I'm your attorney general.
Since I've been in charge, there has been nothing but mayhem in the DOJ. Want proof? Ever heard of Fast and Furious? No that's not some car swerving wildly down the road with me hanging on to the windshield wipers. Of course, "I only heard about it a few weeks ago", heh heh. Under this wild idea, we let 2,000 guns walk into Mexico while we waved bye bye. Think what mayhem 2,000 guns can cause in Mexico. Hell, we even had two federal agents wiped out by those weapons, not to mention a couple of hundred Mexicans. No big deal. As I told Congress just this week, it wasn't a major operation. That's why I never heard of it till recently. Couldn't even tell you who thought it up. Janet Napolitano is the boss of those agents that got killed, and she hasn't said a peep to me about it. She knows what mayhem that would bring.
You wanna talk about mayhem? All you states out there that wanna stop illegal aliens are gonna find out what mayhem is. Just ask the governors of Arizona and Alabama. They're dealing with all kinds of mayhem, not only from illegal aliens, but from me too.
You wanna talk about mayhem? With me in charge, you don't wanna try and vote in the wrong place if you're the wrong color. No, I'm not talking about Philadelphia, Mississippi here. I'm talkin' about the real Philly. See these guys here?
I got their back. What's more, they got Obama's back. That's Malik Shabaz and his New Black Panther Party boys marching behind the Honorable Barack Obama in Selma, Alabama during the 2008 campaign below.
But don't get any ideas about passing any of those voter ID laws some states wanna do. All you're doing is inviting mayhem from me.
There's more. Ever hear of a guy named Ike Brown? He's the man to see in Noxubee County, Mississippi.
Ike Brown
Before I got here, the Justice Department wanted to prosecute him for all kinds of voter fraud. I put an end to that. I got Ike's back.
Nobody escapes my mayhem-not even some tiny burg in California like Lomita. They denied an application for some mosque to expand. Say hello to the DOJ.
So you better buy all the insurance you can get to protect yourself from mayhem like me.
One of those guys in the paramilitary outfit is King Shabbaz, the "Cracker killer". This New Black Panther runs around spewing hatred of white folks, in his community. This is the guy that is "one of use" according to Eric Holder. Malik is buddies with Barack. So, Shabbaz goes scott-free. Now, please go to the Youtube video and you decide if this hate-monger can intimidate voters at the poles:
LINK: http://youtu.be/oBhzJnJIilI
These New Black Panthers not only don't know beans about the Black Panther Ten Point Program, which they have violated in every conceivable way, nor about Intercommunalism, which was the official BPP philosophy, but they are somewhat less of a threat than George Lincoln Rockwell, who was no threat at all, although certainly an embarrassment.
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