"Yes, I am fully up-to-date on Lomita. Fast and Furious? Can't help you.
Lomita, California is a small community outside Los Angeles. Recently, they denied an application for the expansion of a local mosque. Naturally, CAIR stepped in, and so did the Department of Justice. Now the community's leaders are being investigated by the Feds.
Wow. Seems the DOJ has more important matters at hand than second-guessing a little community like Lomita. You know, like finding out who concocted Operation Fast and Furious-that little operation that Eric Holder never heard of till a few months ago. I wonder if he has ever heard of Lomita.
Eric may not have heard of Lomita, but I bet that Obama did, through his Muslim Brotherhood factions (ISNA) in the White House. Or, it could be Hillary's chief advisor, the wife of the Wiener.
Since ratification of the Fourteenth Amendment, states, and their political subdivisions, are no more authorized to indulge in the Establishment of Religion or prohibiting the Free Exercise thereof, than is the federal government. Further, there is a law, upheld by a conservative Supreme Court, called the Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act, which protects a mosque in Lomita just as much as it does a Congregational Christian Church in Oak Creek, Wisconsin. It is the duty of the Department of Justice to uphold the constitution, the Supreme Law of the Land, and to enforce the law. The fact that Squid and Gary and the local authorities in Lomita don't happen to like the religion at issue is of no consideration whatsoever.
IF Lomita can show that the restrictions they are attempting to apply are viewpoint-neutral regulations, which apply not only to all religious bodies, but to all corporate bodies, religious, commercial, secular, etc., then they can win in court. If not, they lose, and rightly so.
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