
Friday, December 2, 2011

Amir Abdel Malik Ali's Take on Mumbai and Somali Pirates

In May 2009, Amir Abdel Malik Ali made one of his several visits to the UCI campus on behalf of the Muslim Student Union. This video is from YouTube and is during the Q and A (part 7). It begins with a question from yours truly (dressed in blue shirt and sunglasses).

My question was two-part. First, I asked him for his reacton to the recent Mumbai massacre. Secondly, I asked him if he would join with me in saluting our military for their recent rescue of American hostages from Somali pirates. Note his answers. Also note the reference to "the Zionist-controlled US media".

Did you get that? He "didn't know much about Mumbai", so he brushed that question off. As for the Somali pirates, he wasn't impressed with the Navy's performance since they were fighting "just kids".

But they were more than kids. They were environmentalists trying to save their waters from nuclear waste and take back their fishing rights.

A division of Greenpeace in all probability.

"Pirates? We're not pirates. We're environmentalists saving the planet."


Squid said...

Ah yes, little Malik and his big deceptions. The cleaver man will not answer the question on Mumbai, one of the worst massacres perpetrated by Islamic Radicals. The horror of a Rabbi and his wife, murdered and sexually mutilated was all over the papers, in every major city, including Oakland. How did you miss that Malik? Of course you knew of the pirates off of Somalia, who are funded by Al Qaeda for the return of booty or human hostages for big cash. Also, he admonished the audience if they thought that Al Qaeda was behind the pirates. Well Malik, the UN has a little known story about how Al Qaeda does work with the pirates. Here is the link:

The question is: Will the MSU bring Malik back to UCI to preach his fantasies?


Anonymous said...

Must be a slow "news" day in Fouse-land.

Gary Fouse said...

Yes, Anonymous, so I thought maybe a re-run was in order. Quoite humorous was it not?

Matan Lurey said...

I am going to step in here and defend Fouse from Anon, this was funny.

Gary Fouse said...

Damn right, it's funny. He said he didn't know much about Mumbai and defended the Somali pirates as just defending their fishing waters and fighting nuclear waste. That's beyond funny, it's hilarious.