By now, you have all seen the video clips from the incident at UC Davis recently when campus cops pepper-sprayed a group of protesters who had taken up a sitting, arms-locked position on a sidewalk. What you have seen was what the news media wanted you to see and nothing more.
The below Family Security Matters article by Cliff Kincaid has a longer video which shows what was occurring in the several minutes leading up to the actual spraying. It puts this in a different light. The video was provided by the UC Davis Republicans.
What does this tell you about the intregrity of the news media? I wonder if the UC Chancellor, who sent her campus police into this situation has seen this latest video. I wonder if UC President Mark Yudof has seen it-or any of the so-called investigators appointed to pass judgement on what the cops did.
Talk about dishonest reporting. And to think that Chancellor Linda Katehi actually apologized to these students.
Gee, how did Brain Williams, star reporter and anchor of NBC miss this tape of the anarchist OWS at UC Davis? What great restraint by the campus police, when they encountered nasty language towards them and lack of respect and refusal to obey lawful directives by law enforcement officers. The result, a thorough basting with pepper spray for resisting arrest. Too bad Brian has such a dysfunctional research team at NBC, who are unable to get the facts. Or, is it something else at NBC?
How do we know exactly where the "dishonest reporting" comes from? As pointed out several ways in a discussion at The American Conservative, when someone splices together several different videos, then has to do voice-over to tell you what's going on, because it isn't obvious just by looking at the images, it is being spun.
The others may have been spun too, but this is simply one more spin, not The Truth. (The retired police officer says again, after watching this, that the pepper spray was a bad call). The officer STEPPED OVER the line in order to pepper spray them from the front. Why didn't ALL the police simply walk right over the line sitting on the ground and keep on marching?
That would have left the students feeling foolish about telling the police whether they could or could not leave...
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