
Friday, December 2, 2011

A Call to Moderate Muslims From Karen Lugo

My friend and colleague, Karen Lugo, who writes for Townhall, has penned an excellent article that I think captures pretty much what I have been trying to articulate myself. I am pleased to cross-post it here. (Townhall)

It is important to add that Lugo is not talking about those phony moderate organizations like CAIR, MPAC, MAS, ISNA and ICNA, who are nothing more than subversives in sheep's clothing. She is talking about people like Zuhdi Jasser, whom she features in her piece. Jasser knows there is an Islamic threat to our country and our freedoms, and he has the courage to say it. He is precisely the type of Muslim we need to encourage, support and empower. Unfortunately, our current administration all but ignores him as the alphabet soup radicals I mentioned above bad-mouth him while they continue to sell themselves as moderates with whom the government should trust and deal with .

I have a feeling there are a lot of American Muslims out there who would like to be more outspoken and stand up for our freedoms against Sharia, religious hatred, and other things they left their home countries to escape. Unfortunately, the organizations above are not encouraging them. Quite the opposite in fact.

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