
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

"L'Affaire Obama-Sarkozy

Chalk up another diplomatic triumph for President Obama. The most transparent White House in history won't comment on that report that Obama and Sarkozy were caught on an open microphone dissing Bibi Netanyahu.

I suppose the French have the ability to bury an exchange caught on an open mic, whereas here, we would all be watching it on YouTube. If true, it just goes to show what kinds of friends Israel has in Europe and Washington under our current administration. Of course Obama can't stand Netanyahu. Not only does Netanyahu refuse to follow his mandates, he made him look like an errant schoolboy during that last joint press conference in Washington.

What would seem natural is the next time Obama holds a press conference, some daring reporter will ask him to comment on this exchange with Sarkozy.


Siarlys Jenkins said...

Of course Obama can't stand Netanyahu. Bibi is a sullen, narcissistic bully, who is endangering his own country and the entire world because he would rather feed his own ego than deliver a lasting peace. Our President has bent over backward to accommodate him, as have many other world leaders, and he simply snubs them all. He also has to look over his shoulder at the Jewish Taliban, aka Shas, and the Jewish White Peoples Party, led by Lieberman, without whose minority caucuses he would lose the mandate to govern. Bib is a mess. No wonder every world leader is fed up with him. Sarkozy may be right. They should indeed all discuss what's wrong with the Israeli government publicly.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Gary Fouse are you seriously comparing America's relationship with France and Israel.

Unlike Israel, France is a proven American ally and major trading/economic power.

French troops and seamen fought alongside Americans during the Revolutionary War, as they also did in both World Wars, the Gulf War, and the Balkans War.

The main points to remember is that without France there would be no America. Without Israel, America would be better off.

Gary Fouse said...


With all due respect, you are full of it. Yes, France was an ally in the Revolutionary war for their own interests. That was a couple of centuries ago. In WW one and WW two, we came to their rescue. What have been their combat contributions to the wars you mentioned? The French are a bunch of back-stabbers.

You say we would be better off if we dumped Israel. Sure. Let's throw the only democracy in the ME under the bus for selfish reasons, so that we can placate the Arab world and buy their oil and their "friendship' so they won't attack us through terrorism.

No thanks. I'll stick with the Israelis.

Ted said...


How did you merit this self righteous nut-job. It looks as if he sits all day by his computer with nothing better to do with his life but break your b---s. Clearly he's discovered that he can google anything and confuses this with intelligence. I have watched him opine about events that we all have attended and people that we know personally as though he knows what he's-talking about.

With bodies piling up in Syria, Libya, Egypt he refers to Netanyahu as a "sullen narcissistic bully". Maybe he's the narcissistic bully.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Israel knows that its "alliance" with the United States is a purely pragmatic one, and only for so long as it serves their interests (not unlike ours with France), both in the Revolution, and in the 20th century). Why do you think they plant spies in our military and security apparatus? I bet we do that to them too.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fouse thank you for confirming my previous belief that support for Israel is based on irrationality.

The French are backstabbers? I don't recall any cases of espionage against the United States committed by the French. I can recall dozens of cases of spying by Jews against America, with the most notable cases being those of the Rubensteins, Johnathan Pollard, AIPAC, and Ben Kadish. Also unlike Israel, France does not sell sensitive US military technology to the Chinese.

With friends like the Jews who needs enemies.

Gary Fouse said...

Mr Anonymous,

Thank you for confirming my belief that you are a Jew-hater. You are so stupid you don't realize you are making my argument.

Gary Fouse said...


Israel is trying to survive. Netanyahu knows the threat, which so many of you don't recognize because you don't want to.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Dear Ted,

"Maybe" is always a possibility, in almost every known situation. "Maybe" there is something we don't know that could prove to be true. However, it seldom amounts to anything worth relying on. I met Gary through another site where we both used to post, and stuck around because it was an interesting challenge. Besides, Gary and I are both Cubs fans. It doesn't take all day to answer what I find posted here, only an hour or less a day. I have a life to live too. Since you indulge in sweeping characterizations without introducing one item of factual evidence or reference, I can find nothing in your comment with sufficient substance to bother refuting.

Anonymous, you have some valid points, but you are a real embarrassment when you start spouting about "The Jews." As I keep pointing out to Gary, when he (a non-Jew) declaims that Jews who disagree with his politics are not "real Jews," there is no unanimous Jewish consensus on anything. There is not even unanimity on what the Torah means or whether women can sit on the same side of the synagogue as men. Jews are capitalists and communists, liberals and conservatives, fervent patriots of whatever country they live in and cosmopolitan internationalists, devoted to Israel and proud of NOT being supportive of Israel. Leave the stereotypes out of the argument and we might have a chance of approaching some semblance of the truth.

Gary, your pat little answer is so much self righteous hot air. We all know that there are threats to Israel. So do the most fervent Israeli advocates of a real peace process. Abbas was very close to a complete settlement with Ehud Olmert. That would have been a good thing for the world, and for Israel, whatever unrealted pecadilloes Olmert had indulged in. Netanyahu trashed the process, because he wants to keep large portions of the west bank permanently. He can't have peace on those terms -- and Israel has no right to expect it.

Gary Fouse said...


As for that "real Jews" comment of yours, I have never said anything remotely close to that. I have always remarked that Jews are diverse and agree on very little.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Gary, look up some of your comments about J Street, and I think similar insinuations about the Jewish funding sources for OTI. You didn't go so far as to say that they are just pretending to be Jews, but you came pretty close.

Gary Fouse said...

I have said they pretend to be supporters of Israel, and I stand by that claim.