
Tuesday, November 8, 2011

The Tea Party Never Did This

Dan Gainor's article in Fox News captures the outrageous activities of the Occupy movement directed at police officers confronting them on the streets.

Where is the condemnation of these outrages from the mainstream media-particularly MSNBC, which is openly supporting the Occupy movement?

Where is the condemnation of this from the Democrats in Congress?

"God bless them."

Where is the condemnation of this from the President of the United States?

That fact is that these morons are supported by the White House, the administration, the Democrats in Congress, the media nnd the unions, the latter of whom are actively involved in it, as are the ACORN types and their successor organizations.

This is what the Democrats and the White House have come up with as their answer to the Tea Party. The contrasts could not be more striking. When has the Tea Party fought with police? When has the Tea Party thrown objects and feces at the police? When has the Tea Party shut down anything? When has the Tea Party broken a window or a shop? It has not happened, and yet, the simpletons at MSNBC still insist that the Tea-Partiers are a bunch of extremist racists.

It's like a chapter out of Alice in Wonderland. A tea party, if you will.

Pardon the pun.


Siarlys Jenkins said...
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Siarlys Jenkins said...

Yes Gary, it's just like the Tea Party. Glad you finally admitted it after weeks of denial.

Seriously, you have the most petty penchant for finding oddball incidents around a large crowd, and saying this is the main story, the whole story, the real story. There were plenty of petty incidents around the Tea Party, not excluding some percentage of overt racists who were drawn to various events, and you rightly said that a few nut-jobs showing up on the fringes didn't characterize all the people present. (When the nut-jobs were nominated to run for senate seats, that was a different story, but most of them lost the general election).

Your strident determination to discredit the Occupy movement, for any peripheral reason BUT what motivates them to be out there (which polls show a solid majority of Americans support) does you no credit.

And no, I didn't think Anita Hill's testimony was particularly relevant to whether Clarence Thomas should be confirmed.

Word Verifications:


Only on Fousesquawk

Miggie said...

From N.Y to Portland, to Oakland, and apparently other OCCUPY sites as well, there is violence of some kind that never happened once in all the Tea Party events.

Not only is the condemnation of the Democratic Party absent from top to bottom, there is also a lack of response from the police unions. I believe that the rank and file of the police union will demand a change of who the union supports. Probably the firemen's unions will follow their lead.

The Tea Party have consistent messages that wants LESS government and MORE individual freedom. The Occupy movement is incoherent and seem only to want the government to bring goods and services to them as their birthright.

The Tea Party cleaned up after themselves and never destroyed anything. There was not a single incident of rape compared to many in several Occupy sites.

The Occupy movement is a miserable attempt to copy what the Tea Party did. Occupy parasites want what you have, what someone else accomplished, without doing anything to get earn anything besides showing up and making a lot of trouble.

Times may well be difficult (thank you, Mr. Obama and the Democratic party) but the way to improve your personal situation is get a useful education, get rid of your dred locks and piercings and tattoos, and try to present yourself to a potential employer as a useful and reliable employee who can make a contribution to the business.

Siarlys Jenkins said...

Miggie, I presume you have a comprehensive set of before and after photos of every Tea Party rally in the country?

When people talk about "family values I recall the pick up truck plastered with bumper stickers, three of which were:

Your little princess is my little whore.

I'm not an alcoholic, I'm a drunk. Alcoholics go to meetings.


But I never said this was the core and periphery of the Republican Party. Just one notable part of their base.