Paul Krugman is a left-wing economist who also likes to dabble in political issues. Since he is unabashedly liberal, he is a columnist at the New York Times, and also a professor at Princeton university-known for its left-wing leanings.
I call Krugman the Worm because while he delights in trashing people he disagrees with, he can't take the blowback, especially when it is face to face. Bill O'Reilly proved that dramatically when he told Krugman what he thought of him at a televised discussion on Tim Russert's show a few years back. Every time O'Reilly got in his face, Krugman would look down at the table and nervously shuffle his papers. It was great theater. Here is a clip to show what I mean. Watch how Krugman shrinks from O'Reilly. Watch as he reaches for his papers and grabs his (own) right arm Watch Krugman's eye contact (or lack thereof).
(Conscious Good)
The Worm is at it again with his 9-11 NYT blog comments, in which he lambasted George W Bush, Rudy Giuliani and Bernard Kerik. He also took shots at our response to the 9-11 attack (The Years of Shame).
Of course, true to form, Krugman would not allow comments to that post-"for obvious reasons".
But blowback there was-so much that the Worm felt he had to add a "clarification".
Paul Krugman forgive???!!!

Paul Krugman is a classic example of the far left. He is a perfect fit for the New York Times and Princeton. Attack he can, but he shrinks from contact. That's why he is a worm.
Yet another example of a completely despicable leftie.
Krugman is absolutely correct. Gary Fouse responds by calling him names, and dredging up a video several years old, but offers no comment of substance on WHAT exactly Gary thinks is wrong with what Krugman says.
Gary is beginning to remind me of the lefty rags that used to circulate in the mid-70s, full of invective, but short on analysis. The underlying assumption is that all right-thinking people know the party line, so the perceived faults in the object of criticism need no explanation, a few pejoratives are enough to inspire a round of raised clenched fists and passionate roars. Unfortunately, the roaring crowds were rather small...
... you were saying Miggie? About "leftie"?????
Krugman is absolutely correct about what? His unemployment figures when debating O'Reilly-or his latest statements about post 9-11?
I didn't bother with a several year old video, which you offered as evidence that Krugman shuffled his papers when facing the bold O'Reilly. I understood your main point was that there was something "disgraceful" about his 9-11 column. That I read, and its well done.
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