Hat tip to Brussels Journal and Russ Allison Loar, who caught this freezed picture from his own video. This is not one of my "professional" editing jobs. No one doctored this photo. Biden had a case of dry mouth. I and many others witnessed it.
Today, President Obama, surrounded by a bunch of policemen, firemen, teachers, and saxophone players, announced his $450 million dollar
Last week, Obama appeared before Congress to tell them and us that he has the economic solution for the nation. Just like he had the solution for that Solyndra solar plant in California when the White House approved a $535 million loan. Now, as we all know (except perhaps, for the UC Santa Cruz Community Studies majors), Solyndra has gone bankrupt and laid off 1,100 workers.
"Ah wunnerful, ah wunnerful, ah."
We also now know that the White House had been visited some 20 times by Solyndra executives and that one of their major investors had been a bundler for Obama's Presidential campaign. (One who collects campaign donations from several sources).
Hat tip Daily Caller
So George Kaiser was a bundler for Obama's campaign, donated some 53,500 himself, is a major investor in Solyndra, which donated some $87,000 to the campaign, and you think it's all a coincidence?
Obama at the Solyndra plant last year.
What we don't know is whatever happened to the $535 million-except that it is gone. All we know is that they burned it-cleanly, of course, while not harming the environment.
So you really think this guy Obama has the answers to our economic problems?
"Stimulus" was a word introduced by the unholy partnership of George W. Bush and Nancy Pelosi, when they decided the way to keep the economy from collapsing was to send every American a $600 "stimulus check." I called it my high-interest loan from the People's Republic of China (since they had to borrow the money), but since I'm going to have to pay it back, I might as well spend it on something.
President Obama has never used the world "stimulus" in his entire term of office. Only the media continued to use it, and one supervisor at work who was talking about "where's my stimulus check" after the Economic Recovery bill passed in early 2009. I tried to tell him that was the Bush plan, not the Obama plan, and there weren't any stimulus checks coming out, just a reduction in payroll tax. He wouldn't believe me.
"Jump-start", I believe is the operative term with Obama. Take your pick.
As I've said before, words mean something. Only Humpty Dumpty (and the authors of the employee handbook at a company I used to work for) claim that "when I use a word, it means exactly what I choose it to mean."
It seems to me that the Democratic Keynsian theory of improving the economy is "getting more government money out there" --- more unemployment checks, more checks to companies (like this one) that go bankrupt, more infrastructure jobs, more pay to union members, SEIU members, teachers, etc. etc. Nancy Pelosi spoke about the money having a "multiplying effect."
Under this theory, EVERYONE should be on unemployment, more companies should go bankrupt, and so on. After all, the money (hundreds of millions in the case of this one company alone) went SOMEWHERE and it was spent and so on. So why are we still in a long recession?
What happened to last trillion dollar stimulus package? What happened to that money? In a word, it is GONE. All we have now is more debt, more unemployment, and more food stamp recipients and NO new dams, bridges, skyscrapers, or even new shopping malls. Also, there are more people below the poverty line than was the case in the Great Depression! This is a disgraceful humiliation for the country and an objective lesson about what DOESN'T WORK. I suppose that doesn't matter to the Democrats as long as they can pay off their constituencies and get re-elected.
This is what you get when the Left governs. It is a disaster.
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