Daily Mail
Muslims Against the Crusades, a radical Islamist group in the UK led by the despicable Anjem Choudary, burned an American flag in front of the American embassy in London today engaging in a noisy protest during a moment of silence as Britons attempted to honor the dead on the 10-year anniversary of 9-11. The Daily Mail has the report.
(The Salfordian.com)
In the below video, English Defense League members, who came to lay flowers and wreaths in front to the embassy, are forced by police to leave to make way for the MAC demonstration.
(Europe News (DK)
The English Defense League is putting out a report on Facebook that they had earlier laid a wreath in front of the embassy, were told to leave by police, and that two of their members were subsequently attacked and stabbed in a pub as they were drinking by members of the MAC. I am still trying to get more details. Here is a report from Demotix:
* Update: The London Standard has reported that two men were stabbed at a London pub as part of the confrontations. Their condition was reported as unknown.
Ho hum. Burning the flag is legal here too, despite Justice John Paul Stevens's best efforts to argue that the First Amendment means no such thing.
Best to ignore these silly schoolyard games. The little exhibitionists thrive on it all. Chances are those British neo-Nazis got stabbed by a couple of outraged liberals and decided to blame it on the MAC.
These creatures should try that stunt in NY at Ground Zero.
Broken bones would be the last worry.
I did not try to make the case that burning flags is illegal in US or UK, just to let the readers know that it happened. I doubt the mainstream news media here will devote much if any attention to it. If it were not for conservative blogs, the p[ublic would know very little about these outrages. Political correctness in the media, you know.
Au contraire Gary, it has nothing to do with political correctness. These little stunts are done by sociopaths who are addicted to attention. Didn't you ever hear an elementary school teacher say that a child acting up should be ignored, because they only do X to get attention? Why are you deigning to take notice of them? If everyone walked by them, as if they didn't exist, if the news media ignored them, if even faux-conservative blogs disdained to give them any coverage, they would shrivel up and die of mortification. (Or, they would attempt something really serious, in which case they could be arrested for it).
Problem with you, Siarlys is that you would have ignored the Nazis thinking they would just go away. BTW I just added a third video for your edification.
Bill Handel covered this story on his radio show this morning. He is almost always one of the top 3 most listened to shows in the LA/OC area in the mornings.
Is this the Hispanic Roman Catholic Jew-hating Anony Mouse, or one of the other Anony Mouses speaking?
Gary, you should pick up a copy of William L. Shirer's The Rise and Fall of the Third Reich. When this crowd of hooligans has funding from the leading stockholders of Britain's financial services industry, providing the means to put disciplined regiments in matching uniforms, armed, on the streets in the tens of thousands, I will want to know why the army doesn't take them on.
If a gang leaves the flag-burning and goes down the street throwing acid in the faces of women who are not veiled, I would expect them to be arrested.
If they hang out behind fences on some street burning an American flag like this is a really daring and provocative act, I will walk on by.
I read Shirer's book about 40 years ago and still have it. I used it as one of many references for my book on Erlangen.
Actually Choudary and his minions do have the support of the govt behind them. It's called welfare.
I don't recall saying they should have been arrested. Under our laws, it is free speech. I'm Just trying to contribute to an informed American public.
What the brownshirts did on the streets of Germany cities was not "free speech." Nor were they supported by welfare checks. Now that we're back to talking about a handful of lazy bums under the thumb of the state (which is what welfare does to a man or woman), I still say, let's ignore them.
I figured you would have read Shirer. But it was a useful reference to make my point.
One of history's lessons is that the world ignored Hitler until it was too late.
Another of history's lessons is that pundits, politicians and generals are always prepared to fight the last war.
Chamberlain appeased Hitler because WW I was a senseless slaughter. We got mired in Vietnam because Chamberlain appeased Hitler. The results were disastrous on both occasions.
Now, every time a band of thugs seeks a little attention, people want to scream "Hitler." Hitler was dangerous because of the size, discipline, fervor, and the financial and military resources, of his followers.
These miserable creatures are nowhere near good enough at what they do to be successors to Hitler. Neither are your friends in the BNP and the other thugs who you mention. For one thing, they don't have a Lord Moseby to provide them with uniforms, weapons, and transportation.
Hitler could have been stopped during the first five years he was Chancellor, much less before he won an election. These bums haven't elected one member of parliament.
"These bums haven't elected one member of parliament."
Ever hear of a guy named George Galloway?
I'm waiting for one named Zia ul-Haq. No, wait, he was America's gallant ally, in the days when we were tilting against India and supporting Islamists as a counter-weight to the communists.
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