Hatem Bazian- Founder
Islamophobia Research and Documentation Project at UC Berkeley
Not surprisingly, UC Berkeley Professor Hatem Bazian and CAIR have teamed up with some other lefties at Beserkley to launch a project on Islamophobia.
Here is CAIR of California's own report.
And in an earlier appearance
Yes, folks, This venture, under the auspices of something at Berkeley called the Center for Race and Gender (sounds like something invented by Heinrich Himmler), is going to "document" the incidents of people like Robert Spencer and Pam Geller when they point out examples of Islamic terrorism, extremism, supremism, and violence directed at non-Muslims. Can't talk about those things, you know. Islamophobic.
"Splendid idea!"
Of course, you won't hear Bazian or any of these folks at Berkeley say a word about swastikas scribbled on UCB bathroom stalls. Nor will you hear a peep from them when Jewish students holding a peaceful protest at UCB (last year ) in response to such expressions of hate, were heckled by UCB professor Andrew Gutierrez, who even gave them the finger (all of which is captured on camera and posted on this site).
Bazian, of course, is the Palestinian professor at UCB whose main academic claim to fame is trying to deligitimize Israel. He travels the lecture circuit giving anti-Israel speeches and calls for "intifada" in America.
So happy hunting up there in Berkeley. Surely, they will find lots of good stuff-all under the banner of education, of course.
Note to UC President Mark Yudoff.
Wake up!
There are people who lend a certain veneer of credence to the paranoia about "Islamophobia." Many of them can be found, or are featured, at this site. That said, the shrill whining about "Islamophobia" is equally overdone, and generally comes from those self-appointed Muslim organizations that lend a certain veneer of credence to the fears of those accused of Islamophobia.
Think of a Roman Catholic Irish woman and a Protestant Irish woman meeting each other as they moved back into a housing project after the cease fire, and greeted each other with a big hug.
A pox on all your houses who stand in the way of Christians, Jews and Muslims, among others, doing the same. Perhaps to avoid seeming to favor one side over the other, we should classify all of you as suffering from the "Rajapaksa Syndrome."
LOL, why don't you explain your theory of islamaphobia to the Jews, Christians, Bahai, Sikhs and Buddhists that have been or are being systematically persecuted in every Muslim state in which they are unfortunate enough to reside?
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