World Net Daily has posted a disturbing story regarding Delta Airlines' conformance with Saudi restrictions. It has been charged that Delta, in conformance with their agreement on flights to Saudi Arabia and their new partnership with Saudi Airlines, will not allow Israeli or Jewish persons or those with Israeli stamps in their passports to board flights to the desert kingdom.
It is a fact that Saudi Arabia will not allow Israeli citizens or passengers with Israeli stamps in their passports to enter Saudi Arabia. It is also a fact that if an airline brings a passenger into a foreign country who is not authorized to enter, that airline is on the hook for taking the person back and/or a fine. International travelers are well aware that airlines will check passports for passengers boarding flights out of the country. They will also check for American visas for non-American passengers flying to America. That is reasonable.
That said, the issue remains; should an American airline deny a ticket-holder to board a flight to Saudi Arabia if the person is Jewish, Israeli, or holds a passport with an Israeli stamp? There is a problem here; the airline is enforcing and facilitating a discriminatory practice by a foreign country.
Here is another report from the Huffington Post, which carries an updated version of the original article written by Religious News Service.
What is not entirely clear to me is whether Delta would deny passage to a person wearing Jewish (or Christian) garb. Would they deny boarding to one named Rosenberg simply because Mr Rosenberg would be turned away at the Saudi port of entry? What if a passenger showed up wearing a yarmulke or a Christian cross?
However, Delta appears at the least to be walking a very thin line that may involve discriminating and engaging in a practice at American airports that cannot be tolerated under our constitution. If this is what is involved in making agreements with foreign airlines or governments, then Delta should not engage in agreements which clearly go against our own sense of fairness and equality-not to mention the Constitution. This is a situation that merits close monitoring and possibly a lawsuit.
It is also a situation that may require intervention by the State Department.
Yeah, you!
At any rate, it is way past time that we explain to our Saudi "friends" that we will not be accomplices to their bigotry and discrimination. In diplomatic terms, this would fall under the principle of reciprocity, something we have long turned a blind eye to-especially when it comes to Saudi Arabia.
Courtesy of Fox News, here is an open letter from Rabbi Abraham Cooper of the Simon Wiesenthal Center to Delta Airlines.
Gary, you answered your own question. It is routine practice, based on the policies of the destination country. It is not an endorsement. Picture some pseudo-leftist organization complaining that Delta is enforcing American discrimination against whatever kind of person the pseudo-leftist wants to invite to the USA. You know, "Delta, the tool of American Imperialism and Racism." Maybe even running dog, if that epithet is still in use.
Besides, what Israeli in their right mind would want to fly into Saudi Arabia anyway?
Yeah, Delta doesn't condone Islamonazi antisemtism, but they don't oppose it either -- and they enforce the antisemitic policies of Saudi Barbaria.
Your admiration for islamonazism is plainly apparent Siarlys. Have you recited the shadada?
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