While I was away, an article appeared in the Jerusalem Post regarding the Olive Tree Initiative. I am cross-posting it here.
There has been a marked response to this (pro OTI) piece. Below is Nicole Hungerford writing for David Horowitz's Frontpage Magazine.
Many people whom I know have written to the Post with their critical comments. Apparently, some are having trouble getting the Post to publish them.
Fousesquawk comment:
Regarding the Post article, I find it amazing that the OC Jewish Federation's main justification for the OTI is that Jewish students who are pro-Israel get to know the Palestinian side so they can better know the opposing arguments and thus become better advocates for Israel.
How lame is that?
Of course nothing is said by OC Jewish Federation's feckless CEO Shalom Elcott about the 2009 meeting with Hamas official Aziz Duwaik. It is not mentioned in the above article. In addition, Elcott and Jeff Margolis cannot make the case that these trips have changed the attitudes of the Muslim students-certainly not on the UCI campus where last year, a speech by the Israeli ambassador to the US was disrupted repeatedly by MSU students. Every May, the MSU continues to bring in their radical speakers who want Israel to disappear from the face of the earth. Indeed, some Jewish OTI students have also become members of Students for Justice in Palestine, a rabidly anti-Israel organization.
Also, the article said nothing about the inherent risk of American Jewish students traveling around the West Bank. Many OTI critics are pointing out the legal risks that the University of California faces if, God forbid, one of these students is harmed-a distinct possibility. I have often quoted the recent examples of the Fogel massacre in Itimar, the kidnapping and murder of an Italian activist for the International Solidarity Movement, the violence occurring all over the Middle East, and the reconciliation between Hamas and Fatah. The list goes on and on.
I must also state with all due respect to Isaac Yerushalmi, his blanket description of OTI critics as "right-wing extremists" is inaccurate and unfair. I know several critics of OTI who are not extremist in any fashion nor even right-wing, conservative or whatever you want to call it.
For the record, here is my comment submitted to the Post. We'll see if it is "selected fror publication".
"This article says nothing about the 2009 OTI meeting with Aziz Duwaik of Hamas. In 2010, the Federation and Hillel were smearing a local community member who raised the issue of the ISM members involved in the program. All the while, the Fed was neglecting to advise their community of the 2009 incident. Wait until one of these kids is harmed on an oti trip to the West Bank. Elcott and UCI will have a lot of questions to answer."
Gary Fouse
adj teacher
UC-Irvine Ext
Well Gary, one of my reasons for being at Fousesquawk is so I can get to know better the mindset and arguments of an Orange County conservative, the better to practice effective ways to refute them.
I think it is well worth while. Maybe Israelis benefit in the same way from talking to representatives of Hamas.
I might add that after being here long enough, it tends to humanize you and even Miggie some times. That helps to maintain the civil peace in our body politic.
In the long run, Israelis, leftist and otherwise, and Palestinians, whether currently supporting Hamas, PA, Fatah, or something else, are going to have to develop the capacity to listen to each other, unless of course, one side is literally going to commit genocide on the other.
Read "God Sleeps In Rwanda." Pretend the the Israelis are Tutsi and the Rwandans Hutu, or vice versa, it doesn't really matter.
Have you ever read the Hamas charter? If not, I suggest you and Helen Thomas both read it together.
Gary, I don't care WHAT the Hamas charter says, the fact that Hamas appeals to a sizeable chunk of Palestinians means Israel has to talk to them. The fact that the IDF is well armed, well trained, and also possesses nuclear warheads means Hamas can't implement its charter. Like I said before, read the ANC charter, then look at what Nelson Mandela actually did when he got into office.
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