
Friday, March 11, 2011

Family Massacred in West Bank

Hat tip to Monkey in the Middle and Holger Awakens

Breaking news: A Jewish family of five has been slaughtered  by a Palestinian terrorist in a West Bank settlement.

"...father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

This should be a topic of discussion at all those Israel Apartheid weeks going on across the US and Canada. What will they say all those defenders of the "peaceful" Palestinian people who damn Israel and the Jews?

"....father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

I suppose some observers will say that they were just "illegal settlers" (much like British activist Ben White did as he passed off the murders of two Jewish families in the West Bank when he spoke at UCI a few months ago.) Maybe he will write another essay about the history of non-violent resistance by the Palestinians.

".....father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

I suppose some activists will say that the killer was not a terrorist, rather a hero/martyr-just as many have said repeatedly at many US campuses.

".....father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

What will the dingbat "Women in Black" at UC-Berkeley have to say about this-besides nothing?

"....father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

What will Jewish Voices for Peace say about this-besides nothing?

"father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

How about the International Solidarity Movement? They are probably providing a safe house for the killer as we speak.

Norman Finklestein will probably dream up some crazy conspiracy theory that the Israelis actually carried out the slaughter to discredit the noble Palestinian people. Lord knows he needs a new topic to talk about on his speaking tour.

Jeff Halper in his next university classroom appearance will probably claim that that secret Israeli spectral dust blew the wrong way when the wind shifted, thus killing Israelis instead of their intended Palestinian targets.

"...father, mother, child, toddler and baby

Will this give that puke rapper from Britain, LowKey, or whatever his name is, material for a new rap hit to perform on US university campuses?

"....father, mother, child, toddler and baby."

Will there be a protest on university campuses this coming week? Will students carry posters saying, "Today, I am an Israeli"? Of course not.

Will any Students for Justice in Palestine college chapters condemn these murders? Of course not.

What will the various Muslim Student Association chapters have to say? Do you think they will stand in solidarity with Jewish students to mourn the senseless slaughter of an entire family? Don't count on it.

What statements of outrage will come from the mouths of countless university professors who have made it their lives' mission to bring an end to the Jewish state?
Zip, zero nada.

"....father, mother, child, toddler and baby"

There is only one word to describe this act.



From Ynet: They are celebrating in Gaza.,7340,L-4041106,00.html


Miggie said...

The outcry will come only when Israel apprehends and punishes the criminals and then it will be against Israel for a "disproportionate" response.

It is the same foundational defense the UCI MSU disrupters have, "It was against Israel so anything and everything is justified." They are mystified why everybody doesn't get it.

Gary Fouse said...


You really don't want to debate this, do you?

Why were they killed? The hypothetical case you mentioned occurred because the fathered snapped.

Are you aware of any instances in pre-Hitlerian Germany when Jews killed innocent people? Aside from a run-of-the-mill homocide case, I don't know of any.

If you were to say that this was a rare and isolated case, then you might have a point. But after Munich, Mumbai, the suicide bombings and all the other cases of murder and mayhem directed at Jews by Palestinians, this very well does merit reporting IMHO.

Look what is happening around you in Europe to Jews (Malmo, France, A-Dam, UK etc.) It is disgusting.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Fouse do you believe the State of Israel bears any responsibility for the killings?

Israel builds its settlements on what the vast, vast majority of world opinion (including America) consider as Palestinian territory.

Israel then lures its citizens (only Jewish Israeli's may become settlers) with generous amounts of grants and assistance to go live and work on these settlements.

As the old saying goes, "If you mess with bull, you get the horns".

Anonymous said...

"...when Jews killed innocent people?"

There were numerous cases of Jews killing innocents during the 1930's and 1940's.

In 1938 a young Jewish hooligan named Herschel Grynszpan murdered a German diplomat named Ernst vom Rath while he was visiting France.

There were dozens of attacks by Jews against Arabs, the British, and others in Palestine during these decades as well.

In 1944 Jews killed Lord Moyne, the British minister of state in Cairo, and in 1948 Jews killed Swede Count Bernadotte, the UN peace mediator in Jerusalem.

Anonymous said...

I am not down with attacks like this at all. It is disgusting and vile. And it is counter productive to the Palestinian’s cause. However, I do see a distinction between Jewish settlers outside of Israel proper being murdered for political reason from Israelis inside Israel being murdered.

Assuming Palestinian terrorist groups goal was a Palestinian state on the disputed lands and not destroying all of Israel (Yes, that is a big assumptions and I know that is clearly not Hamas’s goal) their strategy should be to only attack* settlers living on disputed lands.

Attacks like this do give Israel a reason to have Jewish only roads on the disputed lands and such that so many on the liberal side use to attack Israel.

*The use of violence by the Palestinian is not a good strategy in any case. It may have been at one time to draw attention to the Palestinian’s plight. Now trying to fight a much stronger military force is plain stupid. They could have the moral high ground if they used peaceful protest and used their energy to build their infrastructure – like they have been doing the past couple years – to be able to run a state once it becomes a reality.

Gary Fouse said...

It appears I have 2 or 3 anonymous' here, so I will try to address all the points in one response.

As one who has never been closer to Israel/Palestine than Cairo, I don't consider myself an expert. I am not 100% comfortable with settlements either. As such, I am not qualified to argue for or against the settlements. That said, how can you justify killing three children, one a toddler and one an infant. Justify or mitigate that for me.

You see, I remember well the era when Palestinian terrorism became a world problem after the 67 war; the skyjackings, kidnappings, the Munich massacre, Achille Lauro, the massacres at Rome and Vienna airports on the same day, and on and on. Whatever grievances the Palestinians had faded away in my mind because they were targeting innocent civilians of many nationalities. This latest outrage is just the latest.

In 1938, Hershel Grynzspan, a Polish Jew living in Paris went to the German embassy and killed Vom Rath because his entire family had just been deported from Germany over the border into a no-man's land in Poland. What he did was wrong. It was the excuse the Nazis used to unleash Kristallnacht.

As for the 30s and 40s in the Middle East, yes, jews were armed and killing people and others were armed and killing Jews. That would lead us to the Grand Mufti of jerusalem, Hitler's pal and houseguest, Haj Amin al Husseini, an evil man, indeed.

In looking back do I condone what Jews did in carrying out assassinations and the blowing up of the King David Hotel? No though I am not an expert on that history.

It comes down to this; deliberate killing of civilians including children will never win over world opinion. The palestinians have been mired in this mentality for decades now.

Miggie said...

You write that you are not 100% comfortable with the settlements. Perhaps this article about the pertinent history and relevant international law on this matter will help.

The question and the title is "Are Settlements Illegal?"

I can post other articles that make a stronger case for Israel in this matter but this one should do. It states both sides of the various arguments.