Chris Hayes
If you want another example of how the liberal media tries to bury stories that go against their agenda, read this article by Jonathan Strong in conservative commentator Tucker Carlson's Daily Caller. It involves efforts by numerous liberal journalists to bury the Jeremiah Wright story during the 2008 election.
"In one instance, Spencer Ackerman of the Washington Independent urged his colleagues to deflect attention from Obama’s relationship with Wright by changing the subject. Pick one of Obama’s conservative critics, Ackerman wrote, “Fred Barnes, Karl Rove, who cares — and call them racists.”
This guy (Ackerman) is a journalist?
In addition, one of the main players, Chris Hayes deserves mention. He writes for the left-wing The Nation and is one of the regulars on MSNBC shows like Keith Olbermann's Countdown and Rachel Maddow's show. Chris is always there to bash some conservative/Republican figure or cause because, he, like his MSNBC hosts, is a left-wing ideologue.
That's fair enough, but if Hayes (and others) is engaged in sweeping news stories under the rug and hoping they will die from inattention, he is hardly a professional journalist. He is more along the lines of a Dan Rather. Rather deliberately floated a story about George W Bush, based on forged documents, in a desperate effort to bring about Bush's electoral defeat. This story, if true, means that liberal journalists tried to manage the news to bring about Barack Obama's electoral victory.
Of course, you can argue that Carlson is a conservative commentator, and therefore, the story is bogus. Perhaps. I would suggest, however, that we all should want to learn the truth behind this story. If true, then our media is in pretty sad shape.
But you knew that already, didn't you?
Didn't you?
If that story was deflected, somehow I never noticed. The story seems to have been loud and continuous for some time. Sort of like the penguins who never got Al Gore's emails.
I used to think it was a couple of leftish idealogues who were editors or reporters who, when they saw stories like the Rev. Wright one, would listen to that little voice that said, "This isn't helpful.". They wouldn't run the story and the rest would follow them. It wasn't what was newsworthy, only what was helpful. Now we see it was a conspiracy ( no other word for it) that promotes a left wing slant on everything.
While no crimes have been committed, I think this is a big story. It shows the mentality of those who made statements about wanting the govt to shut down Fox News, Taking control of the media, calling people racists and squelching the Wright story.
It goes to the credibilty of our news media.
At these least, they ought to stop calling themselves "news outlets." They are opinions, filtered stories, that try to persuade or solicit a certain response to the story.
If they acknowledged their bias it would be better. Nobody can assume they are getting "news" because they are only getting some of the news and the news they get is slanted.
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