Faisal Shahzad
A cocktail of motives
Just like Major Hasan, the Ft Hood shooter, the media and administration have fallen all over themselves trying to depict the Times Square bomber as some poor, misguided loner, who was acting out of some personal frustration just like that poor Army psychiatrist who must have been suffering from PRE-post traumatic syndrome-from listening to too many stories from returning war veterans. Nonsense.
This week on Fox, noted liberal Ellis Henican made the preposterous statement that Faisal Shahzad was acting out of a "cocktail" of motives. Let's see. His house was foreclosed on. When police went into his home, it was spartan. Hardly any clothes in the closet.
Radical Islamic jihad.
If Shahzad was having such financial problems, what was he doing taking 13 trips to Pakistan?
Radical Islamic jihad.
According to Mr Henican's logic, anyone suffering from personal or financial difficulties is prone to load up his car with a bomb and park it on Times Square. God, how many times I've thought of doing just that!
Equally absurd was New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg's suggestion that maybe the bomber was "upset about the health care bill". Yeah, that's it, Mikey. It was the health care bill. That's the ticket.
Radical Islamic jihad.
Then there is the hare-brain contessa (Brewer that is), working hard to move up that MSNBC "corporate ladder" by admitting how disappointed she was that it wasn't a tea-partier.
Even scarier is our National Security Advisor John Brennan stating that since Shahzad drove the car alone, the whole thing was the work of Shahzad alone. Even General David Petraeus declared it a one-man show. Will all due respect, General, how do you know?
And Homeland Security Director Janet Napolitano? "....a "one-off", whatever that is.

Radical Islamic Jihad.
But now, finally, today our esteemed attorney general, the feckless Eric Holder, still trying to figure out where to hold those terrorist trials, announces what we already knew; the plot is connected to the Pakistan Taliban.
Radical Islamic jihad.
At what point do we cease with all this political correctness and identify who the enemy really is?
Radical Islamic jihad. We supposedly learned that on 9-11, didn't we?
Yes, folks, as old Ellis told us; it was a "cocktail" of motives.

A shot of radical, a shot of Islamic and a shot of jihad. Add a slice of lime if you wish.
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