
Saturday, April 17, 2010

Obama Mocks Tea Partiers Over Taxes

Thursday in Miami, President Obama had this to say about the tea parties:

How's that for arrogance? And this is the guy who was going to bring us together?

Actually, Mr President, we would thank you if you don't let those Bush tax cuts expire-as you intend to do.


Lance Christian Johnson said...

I actually really liked him there. I haven't heard from one "Tea Party" person who seemed to know what the heck they were even talking about - all they are is scared and they can't even articulate why they are. (Although I know why - it's because Beck, Hannity, Limbaugh, etc. all told them to be.)

Are his facts wrong? Did those people NOT get a tax cut? I know I got a pretty sweet refund this year - one that I was definitely not expecting.

So, Obama cuts taxes and these people complain that he's raising taxes. They don't even know what the heck they're protesting! How else should one react when dealing with that level of ignorance?

Gary Fouse said...


You must be talking about the child care credits. Wait until he lets the Bush tax cuts expire. Wait until that Value Added Tax comes. Wait until the bill comes due for govt health care.

I hate to ask a tired old question, but do you think $ grows on trees? How are we going to pay for all this spending? Don't talk to me about raising the taxes on the very richest among us. He could confiscate all the wealth they have and it won't be enough.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Gary, why weren't you asking this question when we went to war with Iraq?

The fact of the matter is this: They're complaining that he raised their taxes. He didn't. If anything, most of them got a tax cut. (And no, I'm not talking about child care credits. Like I said, I got a nice refund this year, and I don't have a child as of yet.)

These Tea Party people aren't dealing with reality! What is he supposed to do, pretend like they have a valid point?

This is always what your arguments boil down to. "Oh, just wait until __________ happens." This was your same response when you made the statement about how we're "losing our freedoms" and when I asked you exactly what freedoms we've lost, you gave this hypothetical scenario of something that still hasn't even happened.

As for this:

Don't talk to me about raising the taxes on the very richest among us. He could confiscate all the wealth they have and it won't be enough.

How do you know this? What are your numbers? It seems to me like you're just making stuff up. It's true because it feels true, doesn't it? Don't get me wrong, I don't know either. The difference is that I can admit that I don't really understand this stuff either.

Gary Fouse said...

You're right, Lance. I'm just making it up. All this spending will never affect us or our kids. After all, the govt will pay for it.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Why is it that you can so rarely deal with the point that I'm actually making? Where in my post did I say that?

I'm just questioning your assertion that taxing the rich somehow won't help. You don't even know why you believe that or where you get it from. It's just a right-wing talking point that you haven't taken the time to examine beyond your gut feeling.

Gary Fouse said...

Sure taxing the rich will help. They already pay what 50-70% of the federal income taxes now. Why not make it 80-90%? (Fair share)

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Didn't they used to pay around that much a few generations ago?

Maybe we can work on closing all those tax loopholes that corporations take advantage of all the time. I don't know if that would fix everything, but it would be a start.

And a flat tax always seemed to make sense to me. I can imagine why most liberals and conservatives scoff at the idea though.

Gary Fouse said...

A lot of conservatives support a flat tax. Yes, they did pay around 50% until Reagan, I think lowered it. Still 28% of a millionaires salary is a lot of money to the govt.