California "Crime Buster" (and thinker) Jerry Brown
(Smarter than your average bear)
Former California Governor (and likely future governor) and Attorey General Jerry Brown is now investigating the payment contract for a speech by Sarah Palin at California State University at Stanislaus. He insists it has nothing to do with politics. Right.
Brown, who as attorney general, has done nothing about violent crime but has devoted himself to cracking down on "corporate polluters" and other big businesses, now has set his sights on an upcoming speech by Palin at the school and what her expenses and stipend will be.
I guess local politician Leland Yee (D) also insists it has nothing to do with politics, as well as those students who raided the trash bins. They are just born-again fiscal conservatives trying to save the poor California tax-payers some money. Right.
You know why Sarah Palin can get $100,000 to speak? Because it is for sure that she will fill the seats even at $500 a crack. Sounds like sound capitalism to me.
The fact is that speakers get paid to appear all the time at universities. As a matter of fact, I write all the time about the speakers who appear at UC-Irvine courtesy of the Muslim Student Union. Most of them say things that would make Sarah Palin blush. Oakland imam Amir Abdel Malik Ali is a regular at UCI, where he rails about killing Zionist Jews in Israel, destroying the state of Israel, calling suicide bombers "heroes" and "martyrs", and who is a "Zionist Jew" ("Rupert Murdoch-straight-up Zionist Jew","Rahm Israel Emanuel"). Has anybody investigated his fees? Has anybody investigated the fees paid to Imam Mohammed al-Asi, who has proclaimed at UCI that "There is a psychosis in the Jewish community" and "you can take a Jew out of the ghetto, but you can't take the ghetto out of the Jew."? Of course not.
But now comes Sarah Palin to speak at a California university, and it's time for the full weight of ther attorney general to come crashing down.
But it's not political. It is not about Sarah Palin.
Sure glad he has time for this.
How much is this costing the
people of California?
God only knows. We lost track of the money years ago when it all ran out.
Almost daily we listen to her trash talk (she is in the Quayle and “W” league), all thanks to the man who now claims that he never called himself a maverick, McCain, right, tell us another. She spends her days trash talking it is only fitting that someone found a great place for her contract. I guess some dumpster diving found it, All’s Well That Ends Well.
Not so fast. Palin's speech is still on as far as I know. It is amazing how much energy you folks on the left spend on Sarah Palin. Why is it that every night, so much time is devoted to palin-bashing on MSNBC? What is it about her that you fear?
What is it about her that you fear?
Her intense stupidity and the fact that people listen to her nonsense?
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