
Tuesday, April 13, 2010

I Had a Dream Last Night About MSNBC

I've been reading a book the last few nights, so between that and the blogging, I have neglected the cable news shows the last few nights. Last night, it was late, I was reading my book (about Martin Borman), and I was getting sleepy. Just before I went to sleep I turned on MSNBC and watched the re-runs of Hardball and Countdown.

Since I was so drowsy, I'm not totally clear on what was going on or being said. First, there was Crazy Chris Matthews, who was talking to liberal commentator David Corn and that spiffy little twit from NBC, Richard Wolffe (with 2 "f"s). Naturally, there was some negative remark about Sarah Palin (for the 365th consecutive night). Then they started talking about John McCain and what a "hypocrite" he is for recently saying that he never was a maverick (according to Matthews and his two pals, at least).

I think at that point, I must have dozed off for awhile, only to come to and see the familiar face of Krazy Keith Olbermann in the middle of his "Worst person in the world" spiel. I guess I missed the first two (probably Bill O'Reilly and Bill O'Reilly). Anyway, the worst person was some guy whose name I will never remember, but he was obviously a Republican. If I'm not mistaken, he was running for Governor of New York-or one of those states- and there was something about him sending e-mails supposedly featuring a woman having sex with a horse.........

Nah. Forget it. I must have been dreaming.....

Wait a minute! I was right! I wasn't dreaming after all.

Oh, who was Martin Bormann?

You don't want to know.


Findalis said...

Too bad for MSNBC, nobody watches them.

Martin Bormann
Born June 17, 1900
Died May 2, 1945

Was Adolph Hitler's Private Secretary.

Gary Fouse said...

And would have loved MSNBC!

Papa Bill said...

Nightmare about MessNBC would have been more accurate.

However, MSNBC capitalizes on the greatness of the 1st Amendment which, as you know, makes it so much easier to spot the idiots.