Dear Secretary Napolitano,
I am writing to you as a loyal and concerned world citizen. Last night, I infiltrated a tea party in Mission Viejo, California. For your information, Mission Viejo is located deep in the heart of southern Orange County.
And you know what that means.
Let me tell you, Madame Secretary; it was downright scary. There must have been about 1,000 people there, carrying subversive posters and lots of those American flags. In addition, hundreds of motorists who passed through the intersection were blowing their horns and waving. I was going to take down license numbers to send to you, but I forget my pen.
But there is some encouraging news. One progressive driver actually gave a thumbs down to the protesters on one corner, most of whom were carrying American flags. (I didn't see any copies of Mein Kampf.)
Anyway, there was a lot of subversive music being played over a loudspeaker, you know, the National Anthem, The Stars and Stripes Forever, the Marine Corps(e) Marching Song, and that obscene Lee Greenwood song, "God bless the USA". A few of the protesters wore old military insignia, obviously militarists.
There were some speakers, whose names I didn't catch. The main speaker was some guy named Mark. His last name was too difficult, however, and as I said, I forgot my pen. I do know that former Orange County Deputy Bill Hunt spoke for a few minutes. He is trying to stage a violent coup and become the next OC Sheriff. He said something about eliminating sanctuary cities for undocumented workers.
Now for those subversive posters. Some referred to that subversive document, the Constitution. Some actually said bad things about our (big) government-obviously an act of treason. There was even a dog carrying a poster that said, "I miss Reagan". (He was, of course, a German shepherd.) Others were actually advocating violence. They said, "Kill the bill". There were also posters with disrespectful references to the Speaker of the House and the Senate majority Leader. Others, who don't want to pay their fair share, criticized increased taxes.
I was able to take surreptitious photos with my cell phone, but darn, I don't have the capability to send them. Nevertheless, I am sending you pictures from the Mission Viejo Dispatch for further investigation. You can see from the pictures what scary and dangerous people these are. Hopefully, your department can identify these dangerous individuals before revolution breaks out....er. excuse me, counter-revolution.
Finally, I would like a reward of $100,000, an Obama Scout badge, a decoder ring, and be entered into the Witness Protection Program.
Yours faithfully,
(Name withheld by request)
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