Alan Grayson-Reigning 2009 Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year
(Hat tip to Michelle Malkin and Thoughts from the Bish)
God help those Republicans who dare to hold a political meeting in Alan Grayson's
8th district of Florida. Turns out Grayson got wind of the April 8 event and decided to launch his own one-man raid. Watch the video below as he goes bonkers in a Perkins Family Restaurant and shows why he was selected as the 2009 Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year.

Here's an account from Michelle Malkin.com
"On Thursday, April 8th, 2010, Congressman Alan Grayson, Democrat in Florida’s 8th district, interrupted a district meeting of the local Orange County Republican Executive Committee. The meeting was being held at Perkins, a family restaurant.
…Matthew Falconer, candidate for Orange County Mayor, quickly challenged Alan’s rudeness. Grayson demanded not to be interrupted, but Falconer quickly reminded the congressman that he is in fact interrupting their meeting.
Linda O’Keefe, member of the Orange County Republican Executive Committee and extraordinary patriot volunteer with the Orlando Tea Party said, “I’m wondering if Grayson realizes that we do still, for now, have the right to assemble! But can’t we have a meeting without being interrupted by our congressman?”
Currently, there are 12, Republican candidates looking to send Alan Grayson to the unemployment line in November.
Tom Tillison of the Tea Party Patriots Live radio show and the Orlando Tea Party, had quite a lively discussion with Alan afterwards for 10 minutes. Tillison said, “I let him know that he’s a congressman and he needs to act like one. I reminded him that these are his constinuents.” Tillison asked Grayson, “Don’t you feel that you at least owe them an explanation for your recent votes?”, to which Alan replied, “I don’t owe them anything, they’re trying to defeat me.”
Tillison followed, “You are a U.S. Congressman and you approach these people acting like a thug.”….to which Grayson responded that he was “being attacked.”
-Michelle Malkin
Apparently, Mr Grayson is determined to defend his Jerk of the Year award for 2010. You know the old saying, "Champs don't go down easily."
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