"And to you too, Fousesquawk!"
Leave it to UC Santa Cruz (America's Wackiest University) to come up with a 1960s solution to a problem. This comes to us from the UC Santa Cruz paper, City on a Hill Press:
African-American themed housing? Are they serious? Note all the talk about "inclusion" and "diversity". Will the next step be to have black dormitories? That was an idea they tried in the 1960s. Hispanic dorms? Muslim dorms? White-only dorms? Hey! I got a great idea. How about separate bathrooms for whites and blacks-in order to acknowledge the campus diversity?
That will really promote diversity awareness.
Seriously, I thought what we were trying to achieve was a society where we don't pay any attention to those things. So some knucklehead draws a racially offensive image on a bathroom stall and it's time to redesign and remodel all the university dorms? How much is that going to cost the California tax-payer?
The University of California at Santa Cruz: America's Wackiest University.
I reserve the right to change my mind if I can hear a better argument for this, but as of right now I'm with you. This seems pretty dumb, and frankly, kind of patronizing.
PATRONIZING! Of course, that is the word I was searching for. Seriously, if I were a black student at UCSC, I would feel like I was being treated like a member of the Special Olympics.
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