Did'ja catch Obama signing that big bill, which the Senate still has to improve, into law-and did'ja catch Joe Biden's warm-up act?

"Yeh, I did."
Did anybody count how many times, Joe Biden said, "Mr President"?
"Today. Mr President, You, Mr President, have achieved, Mr President, what Teddy Roosevelt (and Hillary Clinton) couldn't achieve, Mr President...."
"As the great poet, Virgil, once said, Mr President..."
Who the %#*@ is Virgil?
Virgil Trucks. Used to pitch for the Detroit Tigers way back when Detroit was a great city.

"He said, Mr President, "No health-no wealth"
"No pain. no gain."
And this: "This isn't just a big deal. This is a big f---ing deal."
"Am I embarrassing you, Mr President?"
Well, at that point, Obama took the mike and gave what will go down in history as the great "This Year" speech.
"This year, half of all the doctors in the country will become insur.....no, scratch that....car salesmen".
"This year, insurance companies will switch to selling magazine subscriptions."
"This year, America became Greece."
"Hey Marge, look up on the hill. That used to be the Capitol."

This year, the conservatives will have to eat some major crow when people realize that all of their scare tactics and nonsense were just that...scare tactics and nonsense.
Are you completely against everything in this bill? Are you against people no longer being turned away due to "pre-existing conditions." Are you at least happy to see that happen?
As I've stated before - all this hysteria over "death panels" when that's exactly what a health insurance company is when they turn people down for coverage! There's your "rationing" right there!
Oh, and Virgil wrote The Aeneid. It's the tale of the Trojan hero, Aeneas, who escapes the devastation of the Trojan War to found a new civilization in what would eventually become the Roman Empire. It's a little too jingoistic for my tastes, but there are a lot of beautiful moments in it.
I don't recommend it nearly as much as Homer's The Iliad or The Odyssey, both of which inspired Virgil's masterpiece.
Who would jump out the windows? Let them. Chicken Little is alive and well. The sky is falling, the sky is falling. My God, since when do we have so many prophets of doom in the nation? I feel sick about all that pessimism, hate and racism that is going around.
Briefly (I am in Vegas) Surely there are some good points in the bill (no tort reform however-naturally). But this is going to bankrupt the nation and way too much power to the govt.
Was Virgil Greek or Roman?
Does No health no wealth also ryhme in Latin/Greek?
Was Virgil Greek or Roman?
Roman, but they were inspired by the Greeks, as they adopted all of their gods and continued many of their religious stories and traditions.
But this is going to bankrupt the nation and way too much power to the govt.
Our current health care system is bankrupting the nation. That's why we needed reform. The Republicans didn't care, as they would have done something about it if they did.
But you didn't answer my question!! Does, no health no wealth also rhyme in Latin? Don't give me a straw man and change the subject.
(Congrats on the new addition)
And I don't know Latin, but I'll go ahead and say yes anyway.
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