Bart Stupak aka The Cave Man
Add Bart Stupak (D-MI) to the list of politicians whose vote is for sale. For weeks, this guy posed as a man of principle standing up for life as he held out his yea vote on health care in the name of keeping federal funds out of abortion.
Then, in the closing hours, predictably, he caves in and switches his vote for an assurance-an assurance- from the President that he will issue an executive order keeping federal funding out of abortion.
Yeah, right.
First of all, Obama's assurance is worthless. He is the most pro-abortion president in history. Just watch. Executive orders can be reversed by a succeeding president. Secondly, the President cannot change a bill that is existing law. The courts will shoot him down every time on that. Obama knows it and so does Stupak.
This is all about cover, so Stupak can go back home and tell the folks that he got the anti-abortion measure that he wanted. Oh, by the way, don't forget that $726,000 he got for the maintenance of three airports in northern Michigan-announced three days ago. Think there's any connection?

Good thing that there aren't any sellouts on the Republican side. Not one of them touched a dime of insurance company money!
I for one am very impressed by a man who is able to change his stand when it is for the good of the country.
This whole abortion issue is only for people who have nothing else to worry about. As I said before, any man who ever had unprotected sex should shut up about it. Women do not decide to have an abortion just for the fun of it, but if they do need one, it should be done in a safe environment and the insurance should pay for it.
Gary, you and all the abortion opponents should take care of the unwanted, abused and neglected children, there are plenty of them, and leave the abortions to those who need and want it. This hypocritical attitude is making me sick. I wish people like Rush Limbaugh would have been aborted.
Bart Stupak’s liberal legacy.
We already are taking care of those children you mentioned.
You wish Limbaugh had been aborted? Surely you don't mean that.
We already are taking care of those children you mentioned.
How many of them have you adopted? THAT'S taking care of them - not just throwing money at the problem.
And didn't Limbaugh say that he'd leave the country if reform passed? I heard he wanted to go to Costa Rica. I hear that they have a pretty excellent socialized medical program there.
Gary, we are not taking enough care of the children. I worked in childcare services and I've seen many unwanted, abused and neglected children. I am also talking about all the children in the world that anti abortionists don't seem to care about.
Yes, I feel we don't need people like Rush Limbaugh, I have nothing going for him but disgust.
Hope you have a good time in Vegas.
BTW I hope Lance doesn't mind me telling you that he and his wife are expecting their first baby in August.
Duly noted and congrats passed on.
Vegas was good the Hofbrau great.
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