
Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Time to Show Our Anger at the Ballot Box

I am disturbed at the reports coming out of Washington that indicate that some protesters of the new health bill have said some inappropriate things. I am sure it is a small minority, but disturbing nevertheless.

Some black Congressmen reported being called the N-word as they walked into the Capitol to vote. Barney Frank was reportedly called the F-word. From the videos I have seen, it may be that they were lost in the din, but I take the congressmen at their word that they heard it.

Now there are reports of some congressmen receiving threatening messages. This is all quite unacceptable. Yes, we are angry. However, we cannot let the fringe elements dictate our public image, as the mainstream press will definitely run with it and play it up.

In this nation, we have a method of venting our anger at politicians. It's called the ballot box. We have the opportunity to vote these people out of office. We do not have the right, however, to shout racial epithets and threaten people.

What is needed is for leaders of the protests, tea-party leaders and the Republican Party to speak out forcefully and disassociate themselves from this ugliness. To his credit Minority leader John Boehner has done so.

It's time to remember that we are supposed to be the good guys. Let's act like it.


Lance Christian Johnson said...

It's good to see that some conservatives, like you and Boehner, are speaking up against this. I fear that too many conservatives won't though.

Findalis said...

I have to disagree with you on the Black Congressmen. Nobody heard the word. There is no video of the word being said. It is easy for them to cry racists.

Gary Fouse said...

Add Eric Cantor to that list. Listen, you know only a fringe bunch could say and do those things.

Gary Fouse said...


I don't have much regard for the CBC as a group and most of their members are jokes, but if John Lewis says he was called the N-word, I have enough respect for him as a civil rights figure to accept it.

Lance Christian Johnson said...

Don't forget the violent threats and the vandalism.

Are they from the fringe? Probably. However, it doesn't help when people like Sarah Palin post pictures of Democrats with crosshairs over their faces on an email that she sent out. There has been quite a bit of Tea Party rhetoric that's violent and hateful, and conservatives should have seen this coming.

Findalis said...

Did you ever see some of the pictures of Bush posted by those on the left, Lance?

There are lunatics, idiots, and nut cases on both the left and the right. It doesn't mean the vast majority of either side is like that.

Those on the left should stop crying foul every time someone creates a poster that doesn't flatter Obama. Not after what they did to Bush.

Gary Fouse said...


Pics of incumbents with cross hairs has been a campaign tactic for years if not generaTIONs

Lance Christian Johnson said...

There are lunatics, idiots, and nut cases on both the left and the right. It doesn't mean the vast majority of either side is like that.

Didn't I specifically state that I agree that these people are on the fringe?

I like how the whole crux of your argument is a childish, "Well, they did it FIRST!"