
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Why Didn't Obama Accept the Berlin Invitation?

This weekend, Germany is celebrating the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall, the signature event in the collapse of communism in Europe, which led many USA Communists scrambling to find other organizations and causes to join in which they could continue to further their agenda (like the environmental cause, for example). Chancellor Angela Merkel, who was recently in Washington, invited President Obama to attend. He has declined, which leads many to ask, "Why?" I have a couple of theories.

Of course, the event at Ft Hood would have made it a moot point. Obama would have been rightly condemned for leaving the country this week. His declination, however, was made before the murders in Texas.

One possibility is that Obama was still ticked off by Germany's refusal to allow Candidate Obama to give his "People of the World" speech last year in front of the Brandenburg Gate.

That may well be true, but I have a sneaking suspicion that Obama found nothing to celebrate in the fall of the Berlin Wall. Besides, why should he go back to Berlin to participate in a celebration of the fall of communism when he can lay the building blocks for his new wall (government health care).

Obama's decision not to go to Berlin is perfectly in line with his snubbing of the Dalai Lama when the latter was in Washington. Why offend the Chinese by receiving the man who has spent his life in exile as a symbol of the Communist Chinese takeover of Tibet?

But, as I stated, it is all a moot point. We all know that President Obama belongs at Ft Hood at this moment.

He is there, isn't he?

He's at Camp David??!!?


Anonymous said...

Probably one of your worst posts ever.

Gary Fouse said...

I thought you'd like it.

Findalis said...

He wasn't getting an award and nobody was granting Chicago any special festival or sporting event.