
Sunday, November 8, 2009

Dems Pass House Healthcare Bill

"One small step for man. One giant leap for mankind"

Last night, the House of Representatives took a giant step toward socialism when they narrowly passed the Democratic version of the health care plan (220-215). One Republican voted yea.

In this bill, in case you didn't know, anyone who does not purchase health insurance will be subject to a 2.5% tax in addition to a possible 5 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.

"Whaddaya in for?"

"Not buying health insurance."

As for illegal aliens, there are no identity provisions in the bill-unless you are talking about providing social secutiy numbers, 9 million of which are phony and circulating around the country. The Republicans tried to put in a verification system, but the Dems refused that.

I caught some of it on C-SPAN; hours of these gasbag dinosaurs giving 2 minute speeches saying the same things. Nancy Pelosi, of course, let some flunky congressman, whose name escapes me-ugly guy with a beard- do the dirty work and act as speaker until the final vote was tallied. Then she emerged from her chambers to bang the gavel and announce her great victory.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tis a sad sad day in America.

I think this country needs health care reform but this is not it, this is not it!

Capitalism is the way to promote better health care through allowing open access to all insurance companies regardless of where they are located.

Competition drives the market to aggressive pricing not regulation. We are what we are in this country because of free market capitalism. If we want to be more like France then we should move their. Their government spending is way out of control much like ours is starting to become and with this we will no doubt be broke in a few years and be forced into the looming One World system.

Say goodbye to your freedoms people, you just let 220 people decide your fate and its not going to be a pretty one.

What's next you wonder, try the abolishing of the 2nd amendment, the best way to diffuse a situation is to disarm the people quietly, its coming mark my words!