
Sunday, November 8, 2009

H. Rap Brown aka Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin

as H. Rap Brown (l)

as Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin (r)

H. Rap Brown was a 1960s radical and leader of the Black Panther Party. Today, he is known as Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin. He is currently serving life in prison without parole for the murder of a police officer in Georgia in 2000. He is also a hero to certain radical segments of the Muslim population in America.

The Council on American Islamic Relations has provided funding for Amin's appeal. Before he was killed in last week's shootout with the FBI in Dearborn, Luqman Abdullah Ameen envisioned Amin as the would-be head of a separate state for Muslims that would be set up within US borders. Radical Islamic speakers who appear on college campuses invoke his name (example: Amir Abdel Malik Ali at UC-Irvine).

Currently, Alkalima, an online magazine of the UC Irvine Muslim Student Union has a religious message from Amin entitled; "Liberating the Soul-Wisdom From Within Prison Walls". It can be read at the below link.

At a time when Muslims in America are trying to send out messages to the country that they are not connected in any way to the events in Dearborn and Ft Hood, having icons like H. Rap Brown/Amin out there in public are not helpful.

H. Rap Brown has spent his life absorbed in anger, violence and hatred. Based on his murder conviction, it is obvious that his conversion to Islam did not cure those afflictions. Decent Muslims should disassociate themselves from this man.

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