Al Gore-
"He played on our fears!!!"
I heard through the blogosphere a couple of days ago that hackers had gotten into the computer system of the Climate Research Unit of the University of East Anglia (UK) last week. I treated it cautiously until the story appeared in today's Orange County Register editorial page.
Now I am treating it more seriously.
If true, this indicates possible collusion by people involved in global warming research to reach a pre-determined conclusion. First of all, East Anglia bills itself as "one of the world's leading institutions in the study of climate change."
What is needed here-and needed fast- is an investigation into whether there is...yes, a conspiracy to lead this research to a certain conclusion. Is it true that opposing researchers and scientists are being pressured to change their opinions? Is information being manipulated and shaped, other evidence suppressed, and is there blackballing of those who disagree with the global warming hysteria?
Here we have an international conference coming up in Copenhagen whose aim is to establish greater international control of our lives, coupled with an administration that is eager to get on board-at the cost of trillions of dollars. It is time to slow down.
Can we not now at least acknowledge the possibility that this is all bunk and being used to establish some form of one-world non-capitalistic system-with the US brought down to the level of every other country economically and politically?
Is this all a hoax?
OK. Call me crazy.
Speaking of which.....What do you have to say about this latest news, Al Gore?
Wait a minute! Didn't Al Gore invent the Internet? NOT!
I was able to download the massive 160 megabyte CRU file. After hours of reviewing this monster, I found many emails that other investigators found, which revealed the efforts of ethically corrupt scientists to push the "Climate Crisis". Not only did they cook (pun intended) the data, but they moved to surpress other scientists' efforts to reveal the true data sets.
These corrupt scientists need to be kicked out of the academic community and face prosecution, if warranted.
Well Gore has sure had a hand in inventing a hoax if that is what it is.
This scandal has to be brought to everyone's attention. Of course, look for the msm to bury it. Only Fox will talk about it. Hannity talked about it last night.
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