Now, let me see if I have this right; Pitts is applauding the administration's decision to take Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and his merry band of terrorists out of a military tribunal and try them in federal court. OK so far.
As his shining example, Pitts cites the Nuremberg Tribunal that was used to try Nazi war criminals.

"Helllloooo!!! Fact check time."
Maybe Mr Pitts thinks that Nuremberg is a city in New Jersey with a federal courthouse. Oh and that Russian judge? Third-generation Russian American. Lots of people of Russian descent in New Jersey.

Nuremberg 1945
"Why of course. Nuremberg is a suburb of Newark."

Nuremberg courtroom. My those bailiffs have such nice uniforms.
Oh yes. Don't forget that lengthy appeal process that the Nuremberg defendants were entitled to. Fifteen full days passed between sentencing and the hangings.

All carried out by civilian authorities, of course.*
"Has the governor called?"
Isn't the Miami Herald mortified by this article?
* There were actually 12 Nuremberg trials of war criminals. Subsequent trials involved Nazi doctors, SS leaders, etc. After the main trial, subsequent hangings were carried out at Landsberg Prison, near Munich. The above pictured hanging is likely at Landsberg as there are no known photos of the actual Nuremberg hangings available to the public other than post-mortum photos of the prisoners.
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