
Saturday, December 7, 2024

At Columbia, Students for Justice in Palestine Has its Own Paper

Germany 1930s

It has come to this: The Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) chapter at Columbia University now has its own newspaper, The Columbia Intifada.

The university has disassociated itself with it and says it resents its name appearing in the newspaper, The Columbia Intifada.

This raises the question of just who is financing this newspaper if not the university. Is it the national SJP organization or perhaps their umbrella/funding organization, American Muslims for Palestine (AMP), both co-founded by UC Berkeley professor Hatem Bazian? Could it be CAIR? The Muslim Brotherhood? Who knows?

In my opinion, Columbia should not allow this paper to be distributed on its campus. Let them peddle this trash off campus. Things are bad enough for Jewish students at Columbia without having SJP with its own newspaper being peddled on campus stirring up feelings with propaganda that will only result in more attacks against Jewish students. It brings back memories of Germany under Hitler when Julius Streicher (Gauleiter of Franconia) was the publisher of the anti-Semitic rag, Der Stuermer, which was sold all over Germany (above).

If Columbia really wants to restore its reputation, it should permanently ban SJP from its campus.

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