
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Quick Observations About Day 2 of the DNC

 The highlights of the evening at the DNC for Day 2 were clearly the speeches given by the Obamas. Michelle Obama is quite the public speaker. The only drawback, in my view, was when she started talking about present-day discrimination against black people. Those words would have been more appropriate 60-70 years ago, especially from one who has had so much opportunity in the country in terms of education, wealth, and status.

Former President Obama was at times vintage Obama in his delivery and words, but, as has so often been the case, when he delves into mocking the opposition, the quality of his delivery goes down, and I'm not just talking about content, but his style itself. The low point, at least for a former president, was when he talked about people "obsessing about crowd size," in reference to Trump, while using his hands to make the punch line. Not very presidential. Since this is a family blog, I won't go into any further detail, but here's a clue from one of Joe Biden's famous quotes when he was vice president:

"That's a big f----' deal."

And last night, Michelle called Trump "unpresidential" (which he so often is).  I may be nitpicking here, but just sayin'.

It is highly ironic that the messaging of the Democrats is so contradictory. They talk about how much they love America, yet complain about all that's wrong with the country, as if we were living in Venezuela. They talk about all the great changes they will make, yet forget that it is their party that is  in power. It is President Biden and Vice President Harris who have been in office for the past 3-1/2 years, yet Harris goes on and on about all the things she will do on Day One of her presidency. Why haven't they done it?

Of course, I have not listened to each and every speech at the convention, but I have heard only one reference to the ugly scenes happening just blocks away from the convention site, (which got much worse last night). That came from Biden in his loud, angry diatribe (and that is exactly what it was) on Monday night. When referring to the protesters, he said only: "They have a point!".


But to conclude, the Dems can bring out all the great speakers they want (I don't know who is left), but they cannot change the fact that Biden and Harris have made a mess of this country in the last 3-1/2 years. Their pitch is simply "More of the same". Finally, should Trump win in November, the Republican party would do well to start preparing for Michelle Obama in 2028.

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