
Thursday, June 6, 2024

UCLA Hit With Federal Discrimination Lawsuit

Hat tip (LA) Jewish Journal

A federal lawsuit has been filed in the Central District of California (Los Angeles) on behalf of three Jewish students who charge that UCLA allowed a climate of fear and intimidation against Jewish students and staff during the pro-Palestinian encampment at UCLA. The students claim that their rights were violated by members of the encampment, blocking their access to classes and other campus facilities. According to the complaint, the UCLA administration did nothing to protect their equal rights on campus.

The actual complaint can be viewed here. here.

I fully support this action and believe that it should be replicated around the nation against other universities who have allowed their Jewish students to be subjected to this treatment. As stated by the complainants: "This is America in 2024, not Germany in 1939". It is way past time to send a message to these thugs and the universities that enable them that we will not allow our Jewish students to be subjected to this crap.

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