
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

UCSB Mess Gets Messier

 Hat tip The College Fix

We have been following a story out of the University of California at Santa Barabra. The Multi-Cultural Center on campus (MCC) has been suspended by the university after anti-Semitic screeds showed up written within the center.

As a result of the university's action, a group of faculty from the Black Studies Department have written a letter protesting the university's action. It might also be noted that the professors did not sign their individual names to the letter. They are calling for a "day of interruption" on campus on March 7 to protest the suspension. The College Fix blog has the report here.

In addition, here is how The Daily Nexus, the campus paper is reporting the story.

Here is my two cents worth. 

At a time when unity and healing are badly needed at UCSB, this letter only further divides and exacerbates the problem. This letter can only serve to create more tension between Jews and other minorities on campus. These professors, all educated people, have to be aware of this. They cannot plead ignorance.

Nowhere in this letter is there any concern or mention of the offensive anti-Semitic messages found in the MCC. Indeed, the closest the letter gets to referring to Jews is the condemning reference to Israel. Nowhere is there any sympathy for Jewish students. Furthermore, the reason for the suspension is not even mentioned. I note that the letter makes reference to several alleged victim groups, but Jews are not included.

I also note that the letter includes a condemnation of the (campus) police. How does that improve the campus climate? 

And finally, if these professors really feel so strongly that they are on the right side, why didn't they sign their names? I always do, even when I was teaching at UC Irvine and publicly criticizing the leadership of UCI and the entire UC system for their inability or unwillingness to combat campus anti-Semitism. 

The letter is an embarrassment for those who composed it, especially when they didn't have the courage to sign their names.

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