
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

Liberal Media Goes Bonkers Over SCOTUS Ruling

Keith Olbermann

This week's Supreme Court decision ruling that Colorado cannot remove Donald Trump from the presidential ballot is not being accepted gracefully by the liberal media, particularly the talking heads at CNN and MSNBC. In addition, crackpot broadcaster, Keith Olbermann, wherever he is broadcasting from these days, has angrily said the the Supreme Court should be dissolved. According to Olbermann, the justices are "political whores" who have "betrayed our democracy".

Not that we conservatives don't gripe about Supreme Court decisions that don't go our way. We have a long history of that. But what stands out about this ruling is that it was unanimous. All nine justices, including the three liberals on the court, agreed that Colorado had exceeded its authority. The ruling extends to all states that try to keep Trump or anyone else off the ballot.

Instead of conceding that the justices had been unanimous, the liberal media is splitting hairs, stressing the written opinions of the liberal judges who disagreed with certain points raised by the more conservative judges. In other words, the mainstream media refuses to allow this 9-0 decision to unite the country. Better to keep the country arguing about the decision and remain divided.

The Supreme Court did not rule that states cannot remove candidates from state and local elections. With good cause, they can do that. They have no authority to do it in federal elections, however. (Each state legislature can make its own voting rules in federal elections, but removing a candidate from federal election is beyond their authority.) On the basic argument of removing Trump from the ballot, the justices were all in agreement.

In addition, imagine the chicanery that would result if courts in various states were to exclude any candidate from the ballot in a federal election. Particularly in a large swing state, such action could very well decide an election. Soon, it would become the norm and be used as a campaign tactic by either party. Goodbye democracy.

What is also lost in the discussion for the mainstream talking heads at CNN and MSNBC is that the very reasoning used by the Colorado court was faulty on its face. The Colorado court had ruled that Trump was ineligible because he was an elected official who had violated his oath by engaging in insurrection (the January 6 case). Regardless of whether you think Trump is guilty of that or not, the fact remains that he has never been convicted of that charge. In fact, he is not even charged with insurrection, a crime which has its own federal statute (18 USC 2383). Trump is charged with conspiracy to overturn the results of an election, but not insurrection. Until he is charged and convicted of insurrection, no judge, no court in Colorado, or any other state has the authority to declare Trump guilty of such act. That comes from a jury or a trial court judge in the event of a non-jury trial. The other alternative would fall to Congress to use the 14th Amendment, section 3, which covers elected officials who violate their oath and engage in insurrection, a move designed to exclude such candidates for national office.

What has happened in Colorado (and a few other states) is a corruption of our judicial system, designed to corrupt our electoral system. In other words, if Colorado's action were to stand, the left would have been killing two birds with one stone- our democracy and our judicial system.

Liberals are disappointed at the court's ruling, and they are free to express their disappointment-including our irresponsible media. Had it been a 5-4 or even a 6-3 decision split down ideological lines, the anger would be more understandable. But when the three most liberal justices agree with the majority, do you think that maybe-just maybe- we could agree that the decision was the proper one?

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