
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Italy: Two Jihadists Arrested

Hat tip Gates of Vienna and  Vlad Tepes

Brescia, Italy

With the war raging in the Middle East between Israel and Hamas, the terror threat is elevated all over the West. Naturally, law enforcement and the intelligence services are operating at a heightened level. 

It never ceases to amaze me how some people choose to move to the West and rather than embrace their new country, choose to hate it and plot attacks against it. Now they are celebrating the October 7 attack against Israel by Hamas, the worst atrocity committed against the Jewish people since the Holocaust. The word "hypocrite" doesn't even begin to describe these people.

This week in the town of Brescia (just outside Milan), police arrested two would-be terrorist attackers, who are identified as Pakistanis (one holding Indian citizenship) for plotting terrorist attacks against the West and encouraging others to do so online. The below article from yesterday's Brescia Corriere is translated by Fousesquawk.

Exaltation of Hitler and the "woman as slave," the posts disseminated on the web by two arrested Pakistanis

By Mara Rodella

"Nuclear war to destroy this society," one of the key concepts and the fascination with the fighters of the Palestinian terror group, Al-Qassam, the armed wing of Hamas. Applause for the October 7 attack. 

"The analysis of posted contents-by the investigating judge- shows the course of radicalization and now characterized by a markedly anti-Semitic and racist streak". They exalted the figure of Hitler and the SS, but also terrorists more or less known. In November 2022, one of the two terrorists posted a historical image of the entrance to a concentration camp and modified by photo editing. On the gate, "where the sentence, Arbeit macht frei ("Work makes you free") stood out was inserted the sentence, "Just be yourself".  Also a photo of Hitler, "on which was superimposed the sentence, in English: "We didn't know we were creating memories, we were just having fun". Or " I am the one beating the Jews".

But contempt is also manifested toward women. "Recently, I am noticing a change of mentality. In the past, I would not have considered women superior to animals, but I have to think again. It would be nice to have a woman in the house (as a slave), just for entertainment," Emojis, the language in step with the times. It is a profile, writes the investigating judge, used to "express revulsion for any form of government based on democracy, showing a markedly, anti-Western and anti-American sentiment, describing the USA as an occupying and repressive force, in opposition, the institution of sharia and the Islamic Emirate (AIE) founded on 'the power of jihad, "Our destiny," understood as "the global and universal solution". Because "I am ready to go to jail, at least once," writes one of the suspects wishing for war in all of Europe, also "nuclear", also being ready to "sacrifice everything to destroy this society (the West)."

Because "I wanted to become a martyr to live forever, I don't know if this is a love of death or for life," one post says on 28 November 2022: An affirmation that, according to the investigating judge, "manifests the elevated level of indoctrination of the suspect and denotes a particular alarm to be raised  in relation to the particular attention which the jihadist groups have dedicated to indoctrination and training of subjects, also minors (the Cubs of the Caliphate) for whom is envisioned a process of training, recruitment, and finally, deployment." For the director of Ucigos (Central Investigative Office of National Police), Guido D'Onofrio, the counteraction is concentrated on the "pervasiveness of the jihadist message spread on the web, the threat of which is actually based on the typical communicative dimension of the West".  "Glaring," (is) the fascination "for the fighters of the Palestinian terrorist group, Al-Qassam-the armed wing of Hamas- for the mujahideen and firearms. In the file folders are found images, "that directly concern the terrorist associations of Al-Qassam and the Movement for Islamic Jihad in Palestine on the Palestinian front and Jabbat Al Nusra on the Syrian front". With so much applause for the attack last October 7 on the part of Hamas in Israel. "Soon, if Allah wants, there will be no more Jews, not even in Israel." 

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