
Wednesday, December 6, 2023

Hussam Ayloush Steps in it Again

Hat tip Memri TV and Investigative Project on Terrorism

Hussam Ayloush in 2013 when asked about CAIR and Hamas

CAIR's Southern California director, Hussam Ayloush has made a career out of telling blatant lies and making anti-Semitic statements that have landed him in controversy over and over throughout the years. Now he has stepped in it again, speaking to a Muslim audience in Oklahoma City during a Friday sermon on December 1 and mocking any notion that Israel had a right to defend itself after October 7. Memri TV has the video.

Of course, the Islamist Ayloush, a man who represents a despicable organization (CAIR), rejects Israel's right to defend itself. He always has. How many times has he publicly condemned Israel in speeches, even though he once told an interviewer in 2013 that CAIR doesn't get dragged into Middle East affairs. It's an American civil rights organization, don't you know? That's what Ayloush said at the time. In that same interview, Ayloush exploded when the interviewer asked him about CAIR's support for Hamas.

You see, CAIR is closely linked to Hamas. That's why, even in the face of October 7, he says Israel has no right to defend itself. Yet again, he uses the Nazis as a reference point, comparing Israel to  Nazi Germany. What Ayloush neglects to mention is how many times Israel has been attacked by the Arab world since 1948 (3) and subsequently by terrorists from the PLO, Hamas, Hezbollah, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, et al with their intifadas as compared to Nazi Germany who plunged the world into war in 1939, invading one country after another.

I ask the reader to consider the horrific atrocities that were carried out on October 7 by Hamas, an organization CAIR supports, against 1200+ Israeli innocents, babies beheaded, burned alive in ovens, women raped, tortured, and dismembered, etc. And here is Hussam Ayloush speaking in defense of these evil monsters who committed such acts. Sick.

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