
Friday, December 3, 2021

Remembering San Bernardino 6 Years Later

On December 2, 2015, two Muslim terrorists, (a husband and his wife)  murdered 14 people in cold blood in San  Bernardino, California. The 6th anniversary of that atrocity has been noted today in a Frontpage Magazine article I am cross-posting here.  The writer is Lloyd Billingsley.

I am also referencing a posting I put up in 2017 reporting on a rally I attended just down the street from the site of the 2015 massacre.

Not only did counter-demonstrators show up, people I referred to at the time as Antifa types, but at a certain point in our rally, our side marched down to the actual site of the murders to observe a moment of silence. Nobody from the other side thought to do the same. That says a lot, doesn't it?


Steve A said...

How quickly America forgets. I have not seen anything on the news about this.

Gary Fouse said...

There are those including our media who want to forget. The media has the power to bury a story. They will beat certain stories to death if it fits their narrative. Those that don't are quickly forgotten.