
Friday, December 31, 2021

France Shuts Down Mosque for Hate Speech (for 6 Months)

The local prefecture has announced the closing of the Great Mosque of Beauvais (about 75 km north of Paris) for a period of 6 months on the grounds that the mosque has been preaching Jihad, separatism, and hate against Jews, Christians, and homosexuals.

The below article from Le Monde is translated by Fousesquawk.

The prefecture of l'Oise orders the temporary closing of the Great Mosque of Beauvais

The religious establishment will be closed for 6 months due to sermons "inciting hate", " violence", and "defending jihad."

Le Monde with Agence France Presse

Posted 28 December 2021 at 10:23-Updated 28 December 2021  at 19:32. Reading time 3 minutes.

Caption: The Beauvais Mosque, screenshot 28 December 2021

The prefecture of l'Oise has ordered the closure of the Great Mosque of Beauvais for 6 months, specifically due to sermons "inciting hate", "violence", and "promoting jihad", it announced Tuesday, December 28.

"The prefecture of l'Oise has issued a decree Monday for the closure of the Grand Mosque of Beauvais for 6 months. This decree is enforceable after 48 hours," stated the prefecture. This religious site has some 400 faithful. 

The association, Hope and Brotherhood, which operates the mosque, deplored an "unjust and unjustified decision," because it "shows, by all evidence, a will to harm the Muslim community by highlighting some elements taken out of their context and thus, deprive hundreds of faithful," of a religious site. Samim Bolaky, the association's lawyer, announced to Agence France Press that he had petitioned the administrative court of Amiens for a temporary injunction against this decision. A hearing must take place within 48 hours, according to the lawyer. 

On December 14, the minister of Interior, Gerald Darmanin, had announced that the procedure of administrative closure of this mosque had been initiated- because of, according to him, the radicalism of the sermons. "We have initiated the closure of the Beauvais mosque, (which is ) completely unacceptable, which attacks Christians, homosexuals, Jews," the minister had stated on the CNews TV channel. 

Support for jihad and incitement to hate

Attorney Bolaky had then claimed that the authorities targeted "certain remarks made during sermons by one of the imams of the mosque-since suspended- who spoke on an unpaid basis". The Hope and Brotherhood association has always advocated living together. It is a respectable mosque," he had insisted.

The sermons of this imam, "described as an occasional speaker," but, "in reality, a regular imam of the Great Mosque of Beauvais, " the decree reads, "promote jihad as a "duty" and glorify the combatants, whom he describes as "heroes", at the service of protecting the Muslim religion, which, according to this speaker, is threatened by Western societies". Also according to the decree, his sermons,"defend a rigorous and radical practice of Islam and the superiority of religious rules over those of (French) law, to which disobedience is legitimate."   

These remarks encourage, "the faithful into an identity of withdrawal," and "incites them to break with the Republic, going so far as to view non-Muslims as enemies." The imam also appeals "to hate, to discrimination against certain  categories of persons, such as the Jews, the Christians, or homosexuals."

5 religious sites under investigation

The prefecture reproaches the mosque officials for not having condemned these remarks disseminated on social media, one of them also having, according to the prefecture, posted the publications of the imam on its Facebook page. The prefecture claims that "given the seriousness of the terrorist threat at a very high level," it is proper to, "announce the closure of the religious site.... for a period of 6 months for the purpose of preventing the commission of terrorist acts."

According to the  Ministry of Interior, there are 2,623 mosques and prayer rooms in France, and, among these religious sites, "99 were suspected of separatism," All "have been investigated over the course of the last few months". "As to 36 religious sites, the investigations have shown that the law of the Republic was strictly respected, for example, following a change of imam or association governance," the Ministry stated.

In addition, "21 religious sites are currently closed, due to administrative regulations, a judicial decision, takeover of lease, work, or administrative closure." Aside from the Beauvais mosque, 5 "are objects of investigation which will allow the initiation of a closure, in particular, on the basis of the law (against) separatism." 

A Rabbi's Resolution for 2022

Hat tip American Greatness and Deb 

Orthodox Jew being attacked in NYC

I am cross-posting an article by Rabbi Aryeh Spero in American Greatness. I don't know anything about Rabbi Spero, but I think his article is quite thought-provoking.

Fousesquawk comment: Some might find Rabbi Spero's words as a call to violence. I would not be so quick to assume that. My first reaction when I read it was that if it was a call to (unprovoked) violence ("fighting back" can have a lot of meanings), I would not agree with that.

Yet at the same time, I strongly believe in self-defense and standing one's ground. I was glad that George Zimmerman and Kyle Rittenhouse were acquitted of homicide. In the case of Jews (since the author is a rabbi), I ask myself why Jews being attacked on the streets of our cities should not physically fight back. I also ask myself why Jewish students on university campuses should not respond in kind if they are insulted, spat upon, pushed, or punched. 

The fact of the matter is that we have a lot of thugs running around our streets and campuses. I shed no tears when an Antifa type picks the wrong person to attack or winds up on the wrong end of a cop's nightstick, which doesn't happen often enough. 

Yes, we do need to "fight back", including physically when we are attacked physically. Yes, we need to take back our streets. That's what the cops are supposed to do for us though they are themselves handcuffed in many liberal-run cities. We need to elect the right kind of politicians who will fight for us.

But the more things get out of hand, the less chance we can make it right through peaceful, democratic means. The more radical the problem becomes, the more radical the solution becomes. It is a disgrace that our political leaders have let it get this far. The worse our society becomes, the more I believe in gun rights for self-defense.

One reason I write so much about Europe is because it is a cautionary tale. Many Europeans believe that Europe is already lost, or that only civil war in the streets can turn it around. Certainly its leaders-excepting the Eastern European countries- have no clue as to how to stop the cancer though the solution is obvious. 

At any rate, Rabbi Spero gives us something to ponder for 2022.

Kamala's Latest Pearls of Wisdom


"Border Czar" Kamala Harris visiting the border earlier this year

"We have to address the fact that we have got to deal with the fact that folks are paying for gas, paying for groceries, and are -- need solutions to it. So let's talk about that," Harris said. "Short-term solution includes what we need to do around the supply chain, right? So, we went to the ports of Los Angeles, Long Beach, Savannah, Georgia, and said, 'Hey, guys, no more five days a week, eight hours a day; 24/7, let's move the products because people need their product – they need what they need.' We're dealing with it in terms of the long term. And that's about what we need to do to pass Build Back Better. It strengthens our economy."

Thursday, December 30, 2021

Austria Tightens Covid Regs for Austrians-Loosens Them for Migrants

Hat tip Unzensuriert (Austria). Translation by Fousesquawk.

Austria has imposed very tough restrictions on the movement of its unvaccinated people. On the other hand, migrants showing up at the border are being accepted into reception centers without any need to be vaccinated or be tested. 

                                                                                                   "Yee gads!!"

The below article from the conservative Austrian site, Unzensuriert, is translated from German by Fousesquawk.

Caption: According to the Lower Austria Provincial Asylum Counselor, Gottfried Waldhäusl, there is an exemption for the entry of migrants from the Green health minister. 

Asylum     30 December 2021-12:04

Neither vaccination nor test necessary at entry of migrants

The Green Health Ministry under Wolfgang Mückstein has-according to Freedom Party (of) Austria regional counselor (of  Lower Austria) Gottfried Waldhäusl- made an exception for the "entry" of migrants. Accordingly, they need neither a vaccination nor a test.

Entry requirements for Austrians increased

So while the entry requirements have been increased-also for Austrians- the 2G+-Rule (vaccinated or recovered with PCR test) currently applies, the asylum-seekers don't need to worry about it.

In a broadcast, Waldhäusl said:

"Instead of really tightening the borders, as I have constantly called for, the federal government now orders the transport assistance and chauffeurs the gentlemen untested and unvaccinated to the initial reception centers. An unreasonable imposition for the assigned personnel of the police and military who are not allowed to refuse the border crossing due to a typical Green decree."

Worsening of own population

Waldhäusl further opined that for him, there was not a single argument to allow migrants illegally at the border to enter the country. Whether vaccinated, recovered, tested, boostered, or whatever. It is a worsening of one's own population, which is not acceptable.

Wednesday, December 29, 2021

Italy: Pakistani Arrested for Instigating Terror

 Italian police have arrested a Pakistani man who they say was spreading terroristic material via social media. The man, who was already awaiting deportation, was arrested on December 15 when investigators concluded that he posed an imminent danger.

The below article from Il Giornale is translated by Fousesquawk.

"Instigated attacks". 31-year-old Pakistani arrested at Bari

28 December 2021 -14:06

Subject to an expulsion order in August, the Pakistani, in the last months, had followed a process of "auto-radicalization"

Francesca Galici

Another anti-terror operation in Italy. A 31-year-old Pakistani was arrested by the Special Operative Group of the Carabinieri on the orders of the District Anti-Mafia and Anti-Terrorism prosecutor of Aquila. The arrest occurred December 15 and was validated. The investigating judge of Aquila, on the request of the prosecutor's office, has issued the order of precautionary custody against Arslan Faiz, accused of instigation to commit a crime, aggravated by the purpose of terrorism.

The man has resided for some time at Francavilla al Mare, in the province of Chieti, where he is employed as a car washer. On August 18, he had been issued an expulsion order from the country for order and public security, which had been issued by the prefect of Chieti. The Pakistani was awaiting execution of the forced repatriation, but for reasons of national security, the arrest was made. During the investigation, there was a rapid and intense process of Islamic "auto-radicalization" of the Pakistani, which had taken on extremist aspects of a Salafist nature.

And it was this last aspect that forced the investigators to take the final investigative activity regarding Faiz. A correct intuition on the part of the police, who succeeded in documenting a continuous activity of apologist activity, via Facebook, consisting of postings and comments in favor of terrorist methods and the victories of the Taliban militias. It also emerged from the investigations that Faiz allegedly forwarded videos and frames of jihadist propaganda via Whatsapp. This indicated an explicit activity of instigation to commit crimes of participation and associations with the aim of terrorism and terrorist attacks, which then led to his arrest.

The man's telephone was tapped, and it emerged that Faiz was communicating in the Urdu language with his co-nationalists, those living in Italy and Pakistan, attempting to influence them in a radical direction, posting laudatory images of the Taliban, and in particular, the terror organization, Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan (TTP). In addition, in his phone, which had been previously seized, were found several videos and photographs, some of which were also posted and shared on social media, of training camps in Afghanistan, armed militiamen, and effigies of Osama bin Laden and Taliban leaders.

Arslan Faiz used overtly laudatory tones regarding the jihadist organizations, also explicitly inviting martyrdom against the "infidels". Now the man will have to wait to be judged by a tribunal, which will have to establish eventual criminal charges against him in respect to the accusation brought by the  District Anti-Mafia prosecutor.

Italy: Possible Break in Saman Abbas Case

Saman Abbas: La Stampa

One of the biggest crime stories of 2021 in Italy has been the disappearance of Saman Abbas, an 18-year-old Pakistani girl, who is believed to have been murdered by her family for having refused an arranged marriage in Pakistan. Now, investigators have recovered what may be a fragment of her skull (analysis pending). Based on information gathered over the course of the investigation, police have concentrated their searches in the river areas of the Po Valley of Northern Italy.

The below article from La Stampa is translated by Fousesquawk.

Saman case: Bone fragment of human skull recovered in Lido Po.  RIS (Scientific Investigation Dept.) trying to isolate DNA.

It could belong to the 18-year-old Pakistani girl of whom there has been no news since last May and who is believed to have been killed at Novellara, in the Bassa Reggiana (region) for having refused an Islamic marriage.

29 December 2021. Updated 29 December 2021. Reading time: 1 minute.

The prosecutor's office of Reggio Emilia has assigned the Scientific Investigations Department of Parma to do the analysis of a bone fragment, presumably of a human skull, which could belong to Saman Abbas, the 18-year-old Pakistani girl, of whom there has been no news since last May and is believed to have been killed at Novellara, in Bassa Reggiana for having refused an Islamic marriage arranged with a cousin in her homeland. Reporting the news is the local edition of Resto del Carlino.

The bone fragment was discovered in the area of Lido Po di Boretto by the Carabinieri on November 3.  Deputy Prosecutor Laura Galli, the assigned prosecutor of the investigation, has ordered the specialized examination to extract the biological profile of the DNA to determine if it could be comparable to that of the young girl.

The searches were concentrated in the river areas of the Po after the younger brother of Saman had told the investigating judge-during a preliminary hearing behind closed doors- that he had heard a cousin during a family meeting who talked about "putting her in small pieces" and "throwing her away" at "Guastalla, where there is a river," the daily reports."

The Scientific Investigation Department of (the Carabinieri) will also analyze some clothes from Danish Hasnain, the uncle of Saman, believed to be the material perpetrator of the crime and who is now, after being arrested last 22 September in France, in jail in Paris awaiting extradition. The clothes were seized last November 6 at Novellara, in the cottage where the entire Abbas family worked as laborers and custodians of a farm.

There are 5 people accused of premeditated murder, kidnapping, and concealment of a cadaver: Besides the uncle, the cousin, Ikram Ijaz, in jail in Italy. Fugitives, meanwhile, are the other cousin, Nomanhulaq Nomanhulaq, and the parents, Shabbar and Nazia Shaheen, who fled to Pakistan on a  flight from Malpensa (Milan airport) last May 1st, and of whom there is no further news.  

Tuesday, December 28, 2021

Italy: One Fine Evening in Turin

"Somebody give that man a shroud"

On December 26 (the day of St Stephen) in the northern Italian city of Turin (Torino), police arrested a North African man who had taken off his clothes and was threatening people with large kitchen knife he had stolen from a restaurant. The below article from La Stampa has a video of the incident (nudity) but without sound. The written article is translated by Fousesquawk. Note that the reference to "Moroccan" is alternately translated as North African since in my experience living in Ialy in the 1980s, the term, "Marrochino" could refer to a Moroccan, a North African, or even (In a pejorative sense) a southern Italian.

Turin: Fear in the downtown: Nude and drunk man threatens police with knife

A man was arrested by the police after having stolen a large kitchen knife in a restaurant and then threatening passersby. It happened in the center of Turin around 22 hours, Santo Stefano (December 26). The man, 25, of Moroccan (or North African) origin, who suffers from psychiatric problems, first stripped naked and then lashed out against police. It was the owner of the establishment, located in Vittorio Square, and other restaurant employees who alerted the police. The patrol officers reached him at Maria Teresa Square, and before being stopped, the man grabbed an abandoned stick and threw rocks at parked cars.

Germany: Two Afghan Brothers Charged With Murder of Sister

Did not approve of her Western lifestyle

Two Afghan brothers are charged in a Berlin court with having murdered their sister in an honor killing, dissecting her body, and transporting it in a trunk by train to Bavaria where it was buried. The body was discovered in August. 

According to the indictment, the two brothers disapproved of their sister's Western life style and her divorce.

The below article from today's Berliner Morgenpost is translated by Fousesquawk. The photos belowares from Bild Zeitung and are linked in the main article by Berlin Morgenpost.

-Bild Zeitung: The two brothers carrying a suitcase allegedly containing sister's remains at Berlin train station.

Bild Zeitung: Boarding train

Murdered Afghan female in suitcase. Charges against brothers


Philipp Siebert

The accused brothers reportedly rode to the Sudkreuz train station with the body of their sister in a suitcase.

Both brothers reportedly killed their sister and took her in a trunk on the train to Bavaria

Berlin. Five months after the death of the Afghan (woman), Maryam H., the Berlin prosecutor's office has brought charges against both of her younger brothers, Sayed and Seyed H. The two 26 and 22-year-old men are accused of having reproached their 34-year-old sister for minor reasons. They reportedly killed the two-time mother because they did not approve of her Western life style-especially with her divorce.

According to the indictment, both brothers lured their sister to a meeting under a pretense and killed her. Maryam died from beating, choking, and having her throat cut. Then they reportedly cut up the body, packed it in a trunk, and rode in a taxi to the Sudkreuz train station. Images from a surveillance camera show both of them with the (trunk) upon boarding the train among many people.

Body was found in August in Bavaria

The destination of the two alleged murderers was Neuburg an der Donau in Bavaria, where the older of the two lived. There the body of the 34-year-old was discovered buried on August 5. The two brothers have been in custody since August 3.

The three siblings came from Afghanistan as asylum-seekers to Germany in 2013. Maryam H. was (force) married at just the age of 16 and had two children by her husband. The marriage was allegedly marked by violence, and so, on 2017 she was divorced under German law and took up with another man. 

Lifestyle not compatible with "archaic ideas of honor and morality"

Her brothers obviously did not want to accept that. According to the indictment, they wanted "to punish their sister, by this act, for her Western-oriented lifestyle, which did not correspond to their archaic ideas of honor and morality and their image of women." According to earlier statements by investigators, she was especially put under pressure and controlled by one of the brothers, who also lived in Berlin.

The 13-year-old son and the 10-year-old daughter of the murder victim will appear at the trial as co-plaintiffs, whereby they will be represented by the Berlin victim attorney, Roland Weber. Weber is also the victim representative of Berlin Land.

Monday, December 27, 2021

The Muslim Brotherhood in France (2)

 Hat tip Global Watch Analysis. Translation by Fousesquawk.

This is another in our series of translations from European articles regarding the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the second such translation from France. It is authored by Hamid Zanaz in the French site, Global Watch Analysis. This site has many articles on the Muslim Brotherhood in France. Zanaz is an Algerian author based in Paris.


Islamophobia: Weapon of mass disqualification of the Muslim Brotherhood

By Hamid Zanaz

By use of the word Islamophobia, the Muslim Brotherhood tries to propagate a victim psychology among the youth of Islamic origin in Europe and more particularly in France. Turn these innocents, from their youngest age, against secularism and universal values, poisoning their spirits with the recurring lie, according to which, the French detest Islam, the only true religion. An imaginary hostility held sometimes even by certain elite French.

The fanatical Islamists and their "baggage carriers" fail to see that the European peoples know how to distinguish spiritual from what is political. These people, almost cured of religion, are opposed with reason to behaviors and rites that disturb their modern lives and question the advances in the domain of liberty.

This term, Islamophobia, was invented in West Africa at the beginning of the last century by ethno-specialists of Islam to describe and critique the hostile attitude towards Islam of the colonial administration. They then considered Islam as a faithful ally of the colonial presence. The word came back into fashion with the Koranic Verses affair of Salman Rushdie.

Today, this word expresses a radical idea spread greatly in the Arab-Muslim world. The obsessive hate of the Westerners against Islam, its followers, and everything that is Islamic. It is a Western phobia, having become almost a global conception. So the successive failures of these countries since their independence find their justification in the alleged hostility of the neo-colonialists, the Crusaders of today!

The Islamists of France, the Muslim Brotherhood at the head, have welcomed and adopted the word like a gift fallen from the sky, giving it a different meaning and a different function.: The victimization and prohibiting of all criticism targeting the Islamic religion and its extremism. This fascinating tendency of Islam has succeeded in introducing this word into the editorial rooms of newspapers and TV sets all over the world thanks to the propaganda led by the pro-Islamist media like the Al Jazeera channel. The cursed word has even sneaked into the bosom of international organizations such as the (UN) Committee on Human Rights. 

Not only the European Council has condemned Islamophobia in 2010, but the European Union itself also created a commission in 2015 to combat this "Islamophobia". In France, the word has entered the dictionaries. Larousse gives it a false and simplistic definition. "Hostility towards Islam (and) Muslims." But the word does not concern the Muslims, but Islam, and the prestigious Larousse deliberately confuses Islamophobia with Muslim phobia.
Following the hearing of the CCIF in December 2013, the National Consultive Commission on Human Rights (CNCDH) adopted a definition of the phenomenon of "Islamophobia" as being "the appearance of a quasi-phobia, that is, an intense fear in regard to Islam and Muslims in France generating a climate of anxiety and hostility regarding them." So the CNCDH (Commission National Consultive des Droites de l'Homme-National Consultive Commission of Human Rights) adopted the idea of fundamentalist association concealed behind the logo CCIF, the Collective Against Islamophobia in France. A Brotherhood association created in 2003 and dissolved only in 2020! Seventeen long years of war against the values of the Republic!

But are the French really hostile to Islam and to Muslims? Does the French Republic exercise discrimination against them and their religion?

One who believes the nonsense of the Muslim Brotherhood, one who lives far from the French reality, might think that this country has become a Hell for Muslims. That is totally false. Muslims enjoy all civil rights, like all other citizens. In reality, the majority of French people do not detest Muslims, nor does the French state. This does not exclude the existence of certain prejudices within a minority of the population.

Many opinion surveys show us that the French do not disapprove of the Muslim prayer, do not reject their fasting or other spiritual behavior. But they do not accept the veil in school, nor the burka on the street, nor polygamy, nor forced marriage of young adolescents on their soil.

Their hostility vis-a-vis certain aspects of the Islamic culture (which are) the opposite of the values of their Republic are naturally legitimate, indeed healthy.

The Muslim Brotherhood has not ceased to propagate the idea according to which, the prohibiting of the veil in school is an Islamophobic law. Those people want to impose a sort of medieval life upon France- something rejected by the French people and even by the population of North African origin not contaminated by political Islam.

The ruses of the Muslim Brotherhood are already well known. They attempt to convert political problems into issues of identity. Suffice to follow what is said and written in their social media to know how the Muslim Brotherhood exploits hundreds of (web) sites to stir up the fire of religious war.

Loose as a jilbab*, Islamophobia, at the same time, contains lies of propaganda, a false sentiment of persecution, a fierce hatred of secularism. Its main function is to incite community isolation. The strategy of its promoters is to distort the debate, spreading confusion, deny the true situation of Islam and Muslims in France: There is no rejection of Islam in as much as religion and religious practices are concerned in France, but a rejection of political Islam which the Muslim Brotherhood and their  Western "baggage carriers" want to impose on a country (that is) secular and respectful of all faiths.

This talk prevents integration, demonizes Westerners, and idealizes the Muslims, telling them tacitly, "You are hated, your Islamic identity is not recognized. There is nothing for you but uprising and the creation of a parallel Islamic society. Do not integrate into the society of the infidels."

In making Islamophobia a mass weapon of disqualification, the Muslim Brotherhood and their Western  allies pollute the spirits of young Muslims and push them into becoming religiously radicalized. Some of them will become terrorists and will go on to act.....

* Jilbab: A long, loose-fitting dress favored by many Muslim women.

Fousesquawk 2021 "Jerk of the Year"-Chris Cuomo

 The winner of the Golden Penguin is.....Chris Cuomo.

It was a crowded field in 2021, and it seemed like the front-runner changed every week or so. In the end, it is ex-CNN anchor and comedian, Chris Cuomo, who beat out all the other worthy contenders, including his own brother, fellow-comedian, Andrew Cuomo, the ex-governor of New York.

What clinched it for Fredo was the revelation that he had used his position and resources at CNN to dig up dirt on women who had accused his brother of sexual harassment. All the while, Chris was using his show to trash President Trump in righteous indignation on a daily basis while holding up Andrew as some sort of hero of the Covid crisis-when he was anything but. At any rate, CNN finally realized they had no alternative but to fire him.

" Whaadya mean I'm fired?"

Chris Cuomo has always been a jerk, but now he enters the Pantheon of Jerks, holder of the 2021 Golden Penguin for Fousesquawk Jerk of the Year.

Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Muslim Brotherhood in Austria (3)

This is the latest in our series of translations from European sources regarding the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the 3rd such translation from Austria. The below article appears in Kronan Zeitung (newspaper) in Austria and is translated from the German by Fousesquawk. It concerns the (Austrian) Islamic League of Culture, which is reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. The article reports on a study by the Documentation Center of Political Islam in Austria. We have posted the appropriate links to both of the above organizations as well as the study itself. All of the above-referenced links are in German. In addition, we have hyper-linked the name of Wagdi Ghonem, aka Ghoneim (hat tip Memri TV).

Secret report

Mosque in Vienna and Graz more radical than thought

September 8, 2021-06:01

In the heart of Vienna and Graz, the networks of the Islamic League of Culture are presumably blooming radically. A secret study by the Documentation Center of Political Islam wants to prove this and comes to the conclusion that the organization can be considered as part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

For years, all the actors-the Muslim Brothers as well as the Islamic League of Culture, have denied their mutual links. But the authors of the study come to a completely different conclusion.

Muslim Brothers hold lectures

By researching public sources, the researchers targeted the leading actors of the League who operate at least one association club as well as a mosque in Graz and one club in Vienna, and discovered obvious links with the radically-stamped Muslim Brothers. The guest lists of events, training courses, and lectures, mostly held in Arabic, are clear to read. In the examined period 2005-2015, the majority of the speakers were leading people from the Muslim Brothers, mostly from Germany and Egypt.

"The League Culture Association is an organization with structural, personal, and ideological proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood."

-Excerpt from the Study of League Culture

Clear proximity to Muslim Brotherhood

The radical preacher, Wagdi Ghonem, was also invited for a series of lectures in 2005. The Egyptian (with many entry bans) is considered a fanatic of the terror organization, Hamas, and does not clearly distance himself from the Islamic State (IS). Even if one denies it, according to the authors, the proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood is clear.

Explosive: All of the pictures and postings used in the study have now been deleted from all social networks.

Merry Christmas

 It's my blog. I can say it.

Friday, December 24, 2021

Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (Not Including Jews)

Hat tip Debbie.

May 2017: Students for Justice in Palestine disrupt pro-Israel event at UC Irvine

I am cross-posting an article from the Coalition for Jewish Values, an organization of over 2,000 Orthodox Jewish rabbis (based in Baltimore), in which they ask if university Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) departments (the exact name varies from university to university) might actually be contributing to anti-Semitism on campus. 

Linked in the article is a more extensive article, also linked here, by the Heritage Foundation, which points out some troubling results of a study they conducted that would buttress the above suspicion. The article is authored by Jay Greene and James Paul.

From my own experience teaching part-time at UC Irvine Extension from 1998-2016, I think that valid questions are raised. The UC Irvine Office of Inclusive Excellence was established a few years ago. I know for a fact that this office has condemned anti-Semitic expressions on campus and anti-Semitism in general. I am certainly not accusing anyone at that office of actually being anti-Semitic. The fact is, however, that after a swastika appears, or some anti-Semitic expression is uttered, most all universities will make the appropriate expressions of support for the Jewish students on their respective campuses. The question is what steps they are taking to combat the problem. The truth is that too many universities have allowed the problem to fester and grow over many years without taking corrective action.

One problem I see is that quite often, the perpetrators of anti-Semitic expressions are often found close to the DEI departments. In the case of UC Irvine, when I was working there, I personally witnessed students disrupting pro-Israel events marching out of the Cross Cultural Center (CCC) and back when their disruption ended. Indeed, the CCC at UC Irvine was basically a clubhouse for the Muslim Student Union (MSU) and their allies in the Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) Many of these students belonged to both groups. (The SJP chapter at UC Irvine was formed after the suspension of the MSU for their disruption of Israeli Ambassador Michael Oren's speech in 2010.)

One question that must be asked is who makes up these DEI departments on campuses? Indeed, this is one of the biggest boom industries (Diversity) in America. Without trying to examine each and every campus, I think it is safe to say that these are hardly environments in which Jews who support Israel would find themselves comfortable. In my view, while the stated purpose of these offices is noble, in practice, it is often something else. There are victim groups and there are oppressor groups. Whites are the oppressors, and Jews are lumped in with the privileged, oppressing whites-largely thanks to the rampant propaganda in our universities that Israel is oppressing the Palestinians (a "victim" group).

It is also my view that DEI offices are often closely allied with the various ethnic studies departments on campus which generally portray their own group as victims. That is especially true of Middle East Studies departments, who are dominated by anti-Israel activists and professors. But for certain other groups, inclusion is not the case. Ask any College Republican, Trump supporter, or a Jewish student who supports Israel. Do they really feel that their campus DEI represents and welcomes them? I think not. 

As for those truly racist whites, they hold no sway on a university campus. Few (who have made it to college) would express their racist views openly on any campus. Yet, it is they who get most of the blame for anti-Semitism along with Trump supporters. It is all a canard. The prime perpetrators of campus anti-Semitism are to be found in the Muslim Student Association/Union chapters and in SJP. It is the anti-Israel rhetoric that dominates on college campuses and anti-Semitism is a direct result. I would love to see one of these DEI entities on any campus publicly call out the MSA or SJP for anti-Semitic expressions. I am not holding my breath.

In addition, the false theory of intersectionality has managed to convince many college students that Israel is responsible for many of the problems facing minorities in the US, for example, police shooting of black suspects since some American cops have received training from Israel. We saw that accusation hurled during the George Floyd episode because some Minneapolis police officers had received Israeli training in the past. And you wonder why Jews were attacked during riots across the country in the wake of George Floyd's death?

Rather than achieving their stated purpose, DEI departments in our universities are creating divisions between students. It's "us vs. them". "Inclusion for me, but not for thee." In my view, these departments are a waste of resources and money at best and have a negative effect on campus climate at worst. Looking at what is going on at campuses around the country, it is hard to argue that these DEI offices are having a positive effect.

France: Woman Tries to Crash Her Car Into Other Vehicles

Shouts, "Allahu akbar" while being arrested

Calanques National Park

On December 22, a woman wearing a  veil and holding a Koran attempted to crash her car into other vehicles in the Marseille area. When police arrived, she repeatedly shouted, "Allahu akbar" while being placed in custody. The below article from Le Figaro is translated by Fousesquawk.

Marseille: Woman tries to crash into several vehicles then shouts, "Allahu akbar" during her arrest

By Guillaume Poingt

Posted three hours ago, updated 2 hours ago

Caption beneath photo: Cars parked at national park of Calanques, Marseille (image AFP)

The suspect, 34, was stopped by police with a copy of Koran in her hand. There were no injuries.

A 34-year-old woman, Asma B., was arrested Wednesday, 22 December around 14:30 after having tried to deliberately collide with several vehicles on a pass in the Calanques massif, in the 9th district of Marseille, Le Figaro learned from a source close to the case.

Known to police (for destruction of private property) but unknown to national intelligence, the suspect-veiled- shouted, "Allahu akbar" several times during her arrest. Holding a Koran in her hand, she bragged of having "acted well" but also of being "in contact with terrorists".

"If he approaches, you press!"

A few minutes before her arrest, several drivers had called the police to report the presence of this woman praying at the side of the road, close to her vehicle parked dangerously at the pass of the Gineste, a winding road connecting Marseille and Cassis.

Just after this prayer, the 30-something had taken the wheel of her vehicle then tried to deliberately crash into other drivers. Thinking that the woman driver wanted to kill herself, an individual got out of his car to try and establish a dialogue with her. But on approaching, he noticed that she was in a telephone conversation on loudspeaker with a man who ordered her: "If he approaches, you press!". The woman driver then attempted to crash into the pedestrian, missing him.

Placed in custody, Asma B. was taken to the emergency room after feeling ill. She was then hospitalized in the psychiatric ward. Previously residing a Limoges, the subject had previously spent time in a  psychiatric hospital in March 2019 due to her "delirious and paranoid" state. Investigations continue.

Thursday, December 23, 2021

Belgium: Tax Money Goes to Taliban

Hat tip Vlaams Belang (Belgium). Translation by Fousesquawk.

The conservative  Flemish political party, Vlaams Belang in Belgium, is complaining bitterly that Belgian tax money is flowing to the Taliban via the UN. They want it stopped.

The below posting from their website is translated from Dutch by Fousesquawk.

Thursday, 23 December 2021/Published in NEWS

Belgian money goes through UN to the Taliban

The United Nations (UN) is making 6 million dollars (5.3 million euros) available for the Afghan Muslim extremists of the Taliban for "protection of UN personnel". The money serves as salary for the Taliban extremists from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, who guard the UN facilities in the country.

The head of the Afghan Ministry of Internal Affairs is Sirajuddin Haqqani, the second man in the Taliban and leader of the so-called Haqqani Network, which, during the war, carried out several bloody attacks in the country.

"Every year, several million euros in tax money flows from Belgium to the UN, and so this country is indirectly a co-financier of the Taliban in Afghanistan," says Vlaams Belang (party) Member of Parliament  Ellen Samyn. And naturally, for Vlaams Belang, that is not acceptable. Samyn will also question the Minister of Foreign Affairs, Sophie Wilmes (MR). "I will demand that not one euro cent of tax money flow to the Taliban, and that Belgium bangs on the table at the UN to strongly condemn this unauthorized cooperation and support for the Muslim extremists of the Taliban."


Fousesquawk comment:

With UN support.

Update: CAIR SF Director Takes "Sabbatical"

Zahra Billoo: "I'm a victim."

Recently, CAIR's San Francisco director, Zahra Billoo, raised a firestorm when she gave a speech that could only be described as anti-Semitic. Of course, nobody familiar with Billoo's history of inflammatory rhetoric was surprised.

Now Billoo has announced that she is taking a "sabbatical" from her duties. The Jerusalem Post has the story.

Whether Billoo will quietly return to her post when the furor over her anti-Semitisic screeds dies down or CAIR will slip someone else into the position is anyone's guess. Even in announcing her "sabbatical", this woman who sees enemies everywhere engages in self-pitying talk about a "Zionist onslaught " against her.

This is not to suggest that if she is replaced, a new San Francisco director would be any improvement. Billoo fits right in with CAIR, which is a despicable and anti-Semitic organization to begin with. This is an organization that is linked to Hamas and which supports those entities devoted to destroying the Jewish state of Israel. CAIR was named as an unindicted co-conspirator in the 2007-08 Holy Land Foundation trial in the Northern (federal judicial) District of Texas which resulted in multiple convictions and long prison sentences against figures whose fake charities were funneling money to Middle East terror groups.

In fact, it is not really important whether Billoo returns to her position or not. CAIR is still rotten to the core.

Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Austria: Illegal Border Crossings Spike

Hat tip Unzensuriert. Translation by Fousesquawk.

"The hills are alive......with the sound of illegal migrants"

Karl Nehammer, the former Austrian interior minister and now chancellor, is another one of those feckless Western European leaders who cannot or will not control the flow of illegal migrants into the country no matter how many Austrians are victimized. In the below article from the conservative Austrian blog, Unzensuriert, we see that the numbers of asylum-seekers this year have increased by 144% from the previous year. The article contains a video, secretly recorded, showing migrants boarding buses at a border crossing. There is no narration to the video, but it is pretty clear that virtually everybody shown boarding the bus is a young male.

Ex-Interior Minister and current Chancellor, Karl Nehammer (Austrian Peoples Party), wasn't able to control the smuggling mischief. In the municipality of Schwarzenbach in Lower Austria, 14 Syrians were captured after a car chase and accident (picture).

Photo: Dragan Tatic/BKA and ZVg

Asylum Industry

December 19, 2021 at 12:34

Failure of ex-Interior Minister Nehammer shown in asylum numbers: More than 144% compared to previous year

According to a report from the daily newspaper, oe24, the asylum numbers have exploded no less than 144% compared to the previous year. That this could happen relatively unnoticed by the public is likely due to the overwhelming coverage of the Corona virus by the mainstream media. 

Borders open like a barn door

The Freedom Party of Austria has several times referred to "the borders, which are often open like a barn door," and to the smuggling mischief. Actually, hardly a day goes by in which, somewhere in Austria, illegally-arriving Africans and Orientals aren't arrested. 

Spectacular case in Lower Austria

Unzensuriert reported on a particularly spectacular case. In the night of 15-16 November in the municipality of Schwarzenbach, Wiener Neustadt District, once again, illegal asylum seekers were arrested including a wild car chase. The alleged smuggler ran off after a car crash and left 14 Syrians in the vehicle, who immediately asked for "international protection".

Video shows hundreds of illegal migrants

A secretly recorded video (which) caused great excitement shows how hundreds of illegal migrants were picked up by buses at the border crossing in Spielfeld, in Steiermark. Here is the video.


To end of October, 28,288 asylum applications

According to the oe24 report, by the end of October, 28,288 asylum applications have been filed. By the end of the year, there should be at least 30,000. Numbers which show that the restrictive asylum policy always preached by ex-Interior Minister Karl Nehammer, in truth, does not exist. You might be surprised that the borders for illegal travelers stand open while Austrians are in "Lockdown".

Tuesday, December 21, 2021

Anti-Semitism and the US Universities

This article first appeared in Times of Israel Blogs.

UC Irvine, May 2017. Students for Justice in Palestine disrupt pro-Israel event.

Up to a few years ago, I was writing that the focal point of anti-Semitism in the US was found in our universities and that it was our task to inform the public about what was happening on our campuses. Between the years of 2007-2016, as an adjunct teacher (and a gentile) at the University of California at Irvine, I became active in speaking out against anti-Semitic speech and displays on campus, as well as the intimidation of Jewish students. What was the spark that was igniting campus anti-Semitism? Then as now, it was the constant drumbeat of anti-Israel, pro-Palestinian rhetoric on the part of some students, some faculty, and student organizations like the Muslim Student Union/Association and Students for Justice in Palestine.

Pro-Israel events, meanwhile, can expect to be routinely disrupted, something I have personally observed on more than one occasion including the notorious Oren disruption. Today, the problem of anti-Semitism has metastasized out into the rest of society. Jews are not just being harassed on campuses, but are now being physically attacked on the streets of major cities. But needless to say, it has not left the universities. Across the country, more and more universities in every region of the country are seeing anti-Semitic outbreaks disguised as human rights concerns for the Palestinians, who are allegedly being oppressed by Israel-a proposition that I don't buy.

I have already mentioned the Muslim Student Associations/Union and Students for Justice in Palestine. Over the years, I have attended countless events sponsored by these groups at UC Irvine and listened and interacted with their invited speakers. Most of the speakers are radical leftists, while many, not all, are Muslim (some are even oddball Jews who hate Israel), and many are virulent Jew-haters. While I believe in free speech-including theirs- I feel it is vital to document and expose their words.

This takes me to the sites of these events, the universities themselves. It would take me several pages to list all the American universities where these outrages have taken place.

Public, private, north, south, east, or west, it makes no difference. Some are worse than others. The problem, as I see it, is this: American universities, mostly all dominated by the left, have lost sight of the principle of free speech for all. That should include conservatives, Jews, Trump supporters, Republicans, and, in this case, students and speakers who support Israel. While university administrators pay lip service in condemning anti-Semitism and promising free speech for all, they fail to follow through. The concerns of Jewish students are nowhere near their top priority. In addition, administrators are afraid to confront groups like the Muslim Student Association or Students for Justice in Palestine. They have proven that time and time again. For years, Jewish students have complained about anti-Semitism, but to little or no avail. Our universities have allowed students and activists to turn the Israeli-Palestinian conflict into one of the top hot-button issues on campus. Often, the anti-Israel, anti-Zionist rhetoric made by invited speakers has crossed the line from legitimate criticism of Israel, which we all concede is free speech, into pure Jew hatred-which to be accurate- under American law is also free speech as long as it doesn't directly incite violence. Several years ago at UC Irvine, I was present when an imam from Oakland, Amir Abdel Malik Ali, made several hateful statements in a speech and expressed support for Hamas. The chancellor, Michael Drake, issued a statement to the entire UCI community that the speaker was not speaking for the university and condemned the remarks made by Ali. Yet, there was no mention of who the speaker was, what he said, who sponsored him (Muslim Student Union), or who the victimized group was. 

Should a noose, which has a powerful impact for blacks given the past history of lynchings in the South, appear on a campus, as it did a few years ago at UC San Diego, the chancellor and vice-chancellor will lead the protests, which is all well and good. But if a swastika shows up on some campus, the university will condemn it, state that an investigation is underway, and move on. You never hear about it again.

As Critical Race Theory spreads into more and more universities, the problem of anti-Semitism can only get worse since Jews are generally not considered a vulnerable minority. Indeed, the California version's original draft had language not only that Israelis were oppressing Palestinians, but that Jews were simply privileged whites oppressing people of color. 

So what is to be done about this toxic climate that exists on our campuses? First and foremost, donors should cease giving to schools that allow this poison. Parents and their children should find more friendly places to attend college. It would also be helpful if more Jewish organizations, who are supposed to fight anti-Semitism and stand up for their Jewish students, would take a more aggressive role against these universities. Specifically, I am referring to the Anti-Defamation League (ADL), the various chapters of the Jewish Federation, and Hillel. In the case of UC Irvine, they have either been missing in action (ADL) or have been a hindrance to those who want to fight the problem (Jewish Federation and Hillel). A big part of the problem is that the latter two organizations are too close to the university administration and don't want to make waves. So everybody just stands back and says that the administration and the Jewish students are taking care of the problem. And the problem continues. I wish more Jewish organizations would follow the lead of the Zionist Organization of America and the Amcha Initiative in actively fighting campus anti-Semitism.

Over the years, the Students for Justice in Palestine and Muslim Student Union at UC Irvine have all but destroyed the reputation of the institution when 99% of UCI's students have nothing to do with the ugliness. UC Irvine is a classic example of how a few bad apples can spoil the whole barrel.

Our universities are badly failing their Jewish students and students in general with their far-left dominance and inability or unwillingness to stand up to anti-Semitic hate-mongers masquerading as human rights activists. Cowardly and/or indifferent administrators have allowed a resurgence in modern-day anti-Semitism to fester and flourish. Now the cancer has once again spread into society at large. History will record that our universities have played a leading role in this latest resurgence in anti-Semitism.

Thanks a lot, Academia. 


Monday, December 20, 2021

Juan Cole's Latest Fantasy Book

"Today is a special day for me. In 2015, at the height of the ISIL cult’s influence in Iraq and Syria and during a time of extreme bigotry toward Muslims in the United States, I conceived a project on “Islamic Peace Studies.” The point was not to deny the violence of cult-like movements such as al-Qaeda, ISIL and the Taliban but to balance our consideration of them with an exploration of Islam’s rich history of work for peace and conciliation. Through the kindness and hard work of a band of colleagues across the world and funding from the University of Michigan’s International Institute, today it has come to fruition with the publication of our book at the IB Tauris imprint of Bloomsbury Press,"-Juan Cole

University of Michigan comedian, Juan Cole, has now come out with a new blockbuster book on Islam as a follow-up to his hagiographic book on Mohammad, who, according to Cole, was a prophet of peace. His latest work, of which he is the editor, is devoted to the proposition that Islam is a religion of peace (in spite of 1400 years of evidence to the contrary).

Here is Cole's bulletin from his ridiculously-named blog, "Informed Comment".

"Bruce Lawrence at Duke University, one of our country’s great Islam specialists, observes of this new volume,

    “Nowhere has the charged topic of Islam and peace been as deftly and broadly addressed as in this collection of essays edited by the maestro of public scholarship on Islam, Juan Cole. From Qur’anic dicta to historical exemplars to modern day perspectives on fundamentalism, women and Trump, the contributors eschew easy platitudes or apologia, providing a kaleidoscope of insight that will attract the general reader as also the academic specialist.” ―Bruce B. Lawrence, Duke University, USA”

    "The maestro of public scholarship on Islam...."

    "Contrary to the distorted and in many places all-too-prevalent view of Islam as somehow inherently or uniquely violent, there is a dazzling array of Muslim organizations and individuals that have worked for harmony and conciliation through history. The Qur’an itself, the Muslim scripture, is full of peace verses urging returning good for evil and wishing peace upon harassers, alongside the verses on just, defensive war that have so often been misinterpreted."

    Fousesquawk comment: Cole's post is brief, and I will be brief and let more knowledgeable experts comment on this theme: Yes, the early suras of the Koran, during the Mecca period of Mohammad's life, have many peaceful and benign verses, many borrowed from the older Testaments. It is the Medina verses, recorded during the period when Mohammad was spreading Islam at the point of a sword and thousands were dying, that take precedence over the earlier verses. The principle of abrogation, as explained by the Islamic schools of thought, dictates that conflicting verses are decided in favor of by whichever verse was recorded later in time. In simple terms, the later, violent verses, abrogate the earlier peaceful verses. Of course, Cole must know this.
Cole makes references to Sufist Islam. I am no expert on Sufism except to say that while they have a pretty good track record in not engaging in terrorism, it should be noted that they are subjected to persecution in many Muslim-majority nations.

If Cole wants to argue that innocent Muslims should not be tarred with the brush of terrorism, I have no quarrel with that. It appears that he believes that ISIS, Al Qaeda etc., and their followers or wannabes are not truly Islamic. I have not read this book, nor do I intend to do so-unless I come across a free copy. Where I really take issue with Cole is when he tries to sell ideas that are so easily disproven. People in the profession of education should know better.

Saturday, December 18, 2021

Sweden in the "Vulnerable Areas"

Hat tip F.

Sweden has a moniker for what are often referred to as its "no-go zones", areas inhabited by mostly Muslim immigrants and/or asylum-seekers: Utsatta områden - vulnerable or challenged areas. These are areas where crime is so rampant that Swedes don't dare enter. Oft times, that includes police and first-responders.

Mustafa Panshiri, the producer of the below video, is himself an immigrant who came to Sweden with his family as a child from Afghanistan. He is a former police officer, now a writer and commentator on immigrant issues in Sweden. He does not support mass immigration into the country.

This particular video on Sweden's immigrant areas is in both English and Swedish with English subtitles. It gives an interesting perspective on these areas. The title, Lort Sverige, is translated as "Dirt Sweden". This is part one.

Monday, December 13, 2021

Zahra Billoo and the Anti-Defamation League: Is the ADL Finally Waking up?

Hat tip Legal Insurrection 

Zahra Billoo of CAIR

Jonathan Greenblatt of ADL

A recent speech by Zahra Billoo, head of the San Francisco office of the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) has stirred a lot of controversy-as it should since it is full of anti-Semitic rhetoric. What's surprising to me is that even Jonathan Greenblatt, the head of the Anti-Defamation League (ADL) has spoken out in criticism. There is even a back and forth between the ADL and CAIR regarding the content of Billoo's speech.

That is refreshing.

I say that because, in my opinion, the ADL has been missing in action when it comes to reacting to anti-Semitism that comes from Islamic quarters. Since the ADL leans left politically, it has preferred to highlight anti-Semitism from white nationalists and people on the right when most of the Jew-hatred these days is coming from the left. That includes Islamic Jew-hatred. This was true when Abe Foxman was leading the ADL, and it has continued under Greenblatt, at least until now.

In all the years I have spent documenting anti-Semitism at UC Irvine-especially during the so-called Israel Apartheid weeks every May, the ADL was of no assistance in battling the problems on campus. As I have pointed out many times, I would often see their local representative present at the events but never speaking up, never challenging the speakers as I and others did during the Q and A. It was Foxman's position that there was no problem at UC Irvine-that the Jewish students and administration had it all under control. They did not.

I don't know if this Billoo flap marks a new beginning for the ADL or they will slip back into their shell when it comes to Islamic anti-Semitism. Greenblatt is a man of the left, so we shall wait and see. I am keeping my fingers crossed.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

Hate Crimes Against Christians in Europe

Hat tip Frontpage Magazine and Journalisten Watch

Church in France-CBN News

A new report out of Europe shows that Christians were the largest target of religiously-inspired hate crimes in 2020. The below article from the conservative German blog, Journalisten Watch, is translated by Fousesquawk. Note that the article also quotes a posting by Raymond Ibrahim of Frontpage Magazine, which also contains much of the same translated information-separately done. Our translation is of the Journalisten Watch article itself.

Hate crimes against Christians in Europe hit all-time highs

11 December 2021

Hate crimes against Christianity and its followers have reached an all-time high in Europe, once and for centuries the custodian and disseminator of the teachings of Christ. At least a quarter of registered hate crimes in the last year (2020) was directed against Christianity. An increase of 70% compared to 2019. Judaism is now in second place.

According to the report of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSZE) dated 16 November 2021, in 2020, 980 hate crimes against Christianity were reported. The number of unreported cases is likely higher.

Altogether, 24 countries are eagerly endeavoring to gather data on the theme of hate crimes on grounds of racism or hostility to foreigners, against LGBT groups and Muslims, but only 11 of them collect corresponding data on hate crimes against Christians, which clearly skews the statistics.

Of the 136 civil society organizations that provide corresponding data, only 8 organizations (!) continuously reported incidents against Christians, reported Frontpage Magazine. 

Of the 4,008 described cases in the OSZE report (from 2020), 980 hate crimes were directed against Christians, almost 25% more than any other religious group.

While 980 were hate crimes of an anti-Christian nature,  850 were anti-Semitic, and only 254 anti-Islamic. But as the report explains, the true numbers are probably much higher because while most of the racist, anti-Islamic, or anti-homosexual attacks are reported as such, this is not the case in many anti-Christian attacks. Despite this and despite this discrepancy, the attacks on Christians are still greater than against every other religious group.

2016 Christmas Market attack in Berlin-Daily Mail

As to these results, Madeleine Enzlberger, head of the Intolerance and Discrimination of Christians in Europe, says, "The media and politicians don't see the increasing hate against Christians in Europe as a growing social problem. The OSZE report only shows a part of this problem, but sends a very clear signal against indifference and the almost fashionable bashing of Christians."

The OSZE's formal definition of "hate crimes" includes, "an offense against a certain group or a prejudice against a certain group, which serves as a motive, to commit certain crimes against these groups."

This can be the destruction of Christian buildings, such as churches or schools, but also Christian symbols, such as a Crucifix or statue of the Virgin Mary. It can also be a violent crime against Christians, such as the attack on the Orthodox priest Nikolas Kakavelakis in the French city of Lyon and the murder of Sir David Amess, a conservative Roman Catholic member of the British Parliament. Amess was murdered (by a Muslim youth) during a public talk with his followers. The conclusion is that in Europe, there are more and more anti-Christian hate crimes, (but) the exact state of affairs is unknown since not all are reported to the responsible authorities.

The growing hate against Christians is also annually registered by the Open Doors organization, which annually lists the 50 nations in which Christians are most persecuted for their belief. Also here the numbers increase. According to the statistics for 2021, "more than 340 million" Christians experience, "a high level of persecution and discrimination due to their belief". This is an increase of 31% over 2020 when only "260 million Christians experienced a high level of persecution" and an increase of 6% over 2019. In other words: Between 2018 and 2021, persecution of Christians worldwide increased almost 60%.

Along with many groups linked to the so-called "left"-Antifa and BLM- the lion's share of attacks against Christianity are traced back to Islam. Every year in succession, 40 of the 50 nations in which Christians are persecuted belong to Islam.

While up to now, European nations seldom if ever make it into the top 50, it is expected that, with the steadily growing Muslim population in Europe, its portion will become larger. Phenomena, which are peculiar to the Islamic world, from attacks on churches and crosses to rapes and forced conversions of Christian women, will inevitably also increase in Europe.

European regions with large Muslim migration populations already are experiencing today a simultaneous increase in attacks on churches and Christian symbols. Germany, where according to the latest OSZE report, the number of anti-Christian hate crimes has more than doubled since 2019, (and) one of the largest Muslim populations in West Europe is living, has recorded an exponential growth in the last few years.

After the Merkel invitation in 2015 directed to "refugees from the whole world", one year later in North Rhine-Westphalen, where more than one million Muslim migrants live, in the Christmas season, some 50 public statues of Jesus and other Christian figures have been beheaded and Crucifixes broken.

In neighboring France, also blessed with a large Muslim population, during the same time, two churches a day reportedly have to deal with various attacks.
