
Saturday, December 25, 2021

The Muslim Brotherhood in Austria (3)

This is the latest in our series of translations from European sources regarding the Muslim Brotherhood in Europe and the 3rd such translation from Austria. The below article appears in Kronan Zeitung (newspaper) in Austria and is translated from the German by Fousesquawk. It concerns the (Austrian) Islamic League of Culture, which is reportedly linked to the Muslim Brotherhood. The article reports on a study by the Documentation Center of Political Islam in Austria. We have posted the appropriate links to both of the above organizations as well as the study itself. All of the above-referenced links are in German. In addition, we have hyper-linked the name of Wagdi Ghonem, aka Ghoneim (hat tip Memri TV).

Secret report

Mosque in Vienna and Graz more radical than thought

September 8, 2021-06:01

In the heart of Vienna and Graz, the networks of the Islamic League of Culture are presumably blooming radically. A secret study by the Documentation Center of Political Islam wants to prove this and comes to the conclusion that the organization can be considered as part of the Muslim Brotherhood.

For years, all the actors-the Muslim Brothers as well as the Islamic League of Culture, have denied their mutual links. But the authors of the study come to a completely different conclusion.

Muslim Brothers hold lectures

By researching public sources, the researchers targeted the leading actors of the League who operate at least one association club as well as a mosque in Graz and one club in Vienna, and discovered obvious links with the radically-stamped Muslim Brothers. The guest lists of events, training courses, and lectures, mostly held in Arabic, are clear to read. In the examined period 2005-2015, the majority of the speakers were leading people from the Muslim Brothers, mostly from Germany and Egypt.

"The League Culture Association is an organization with structural, personal, and ideological proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood."

-Excerpt from the Study of League Culture

Clear proximity to Muslim Brotherhood

The radical preacher, Wagdi Ghonem, was also invited for a series of lectures in 2005. The Egyptian (with many entry bans) is considered a fanatic of the terror organization, Hamas, and does not clearly distance himself from the Islamic State (IS). Even if one denies it, according to the authors, the proximity to the Muslim Brotherhood is clear.

Explosive: All of the pictures and postings used in the study have now been deleted from all social networks.

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