
Friday, July 2, 2021

Sweden: Police Arrest 17-Year-Old Gang Member for Murder of Cop in Gothenburg

 Swedish police have arrested a 17-year-old with known gang ties for the murder of a police officer in Gothenburg. His name has not been released, but a police spokesperson confirms that he is connected to the local gang-conflict  "milieu". We are in the process of providing English subtitles to a video statement to the press by a police spokesperson.

The Gothenburg Post reports that this suspect has a previous conviction for a gang-related knife attack (translation by Fousesquawk.)

"Enligt uppgifter till GP rör det sig om en 17-åring som tidigare dömts för en knivattack kopplad till konflikterna i stadsdelen."

According to information to GP, it is a 17-year-old who was previously convicted for a knife attack connected to the conflicts in the city quarter.

According to Expressen, the suspect had been arrested in 2019 as a 15-year-old for a knife attack.

"I november 2019 gick en 15-årig pojke till attack på en spårvagn. Offret överlevde – ynglingen straffades med sluten ungdomsvård. 

I onsdags misstänks samma gärningsman ha varit ute efter samma offer, som i dag är en utpekad gängmedlem som kopplas till det så kallade Jobenätverket, enligt uppgifter."

In November 2019, a 15-year-old boy went on the attack on a tram. The victim survived- the youth was punished with juvenile detention.

On Wednesday, the same perpetrator is suspected to have been out after the same victim, who today, is an identified gang member connected to the so-called Jobenätverket, according to information.

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