
Saturday, August 1, 2020

DEMANDS at the University of Vermont

Hat tip Campus Reform

"Representing Womxn of Color Coalition,........"

There once was a time in America (before even I was born) when college kids would swallow live goldfish or see how many of them could cram into a phone booth.  That was child's play compared to what their great-grand kids are doing now.

Up in Bernieland, 5 snowflakes at the University of Vermont wrote a set of demands that the university abolish the campus police and permanently-permanently, mind you- fly the Black Lives Matter flag (they have a flag!) from the university's flagpole.

The Vermont Cynic, UVM's campus newspaper, reported this nonsense  (in the most respectful and uncynical manner) on June 30.

"Over 50 people signed this email in solidarity including three state representatives, City Councilor Jane Stromberg, ten student organizations and 39 faculty members."

What? Bernie didn't sign on?

True, it was only 5 students, but look who they got to sign on. And a meeting with the UVM provost too!

If ever there was a time for the Vermont Cynic to be cynical, this was it. They should change their name.

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