-Il Giornale
Today's Il Giornale is running a report (with video) showing how in the migrant zone of Turin (Torino), the lock down is being ignored. While Italian businesses shut down, migrant businesses keep their doors open. While Italians stay behind closed doors, migrants freely gather on the streets.
"For them the lock down doesn't exist." And the migrants are free to camp out.
Migrants crowded outside the mini-markets and camped out in the green areas, in Barriera di Milano, on the northern periphery of Turin, anarchy rules. Montaruli):Fratelli d'Italia (party): "Enough with the rule of two weights and two measures"
It is a slow restart, difficult, painful. The country faces phase two in no particular order. And those who remain behind don't see horizons.
The list of the activities still trapped in the lock down is long: Bars, restaurants, confectioneries, hair salons, beauty centers, and so on. There are thousands of entrepreneurs who are asked to continue gritting their teeth. They say it will serve to not frustrate the efforts made thus far.
The people are tired, angry. In some cases, they feel victims of a real injustice. One of them is Robert, 25, and a bar (created) with immense sacrifices. His is one of the few Italian (businesses) in Barriera di Milano, on the northern periphery of Turin. It is here that is concentrated the largest number of ethnic businesses in the city. None of them have lowered the shutter; they are considered the same as super markets, "In reality they have been transformed into meeting places for the foreigners who camp out with their beer in hand," complains Roberto. "They can do what they want, they have always done what they feel like, while we don't even know if we will reopen," he explains. The bad news spread in the area where this kind of activity has by now taken hold is evident from a series of videos.
Testimonies that tell how for some categories of operators, the anti-contagion measures are waste paper. Augusta Montaruli, deputy of Fratelli d'Italia, has recounted dozens of reports like these. They all come from the ex-worker quarters of the city, from the multi-ethnic streets of Turin that escape the radar of the institutions: Corso (Street) Vercelli, Corso Giulio Cesare, Along Dora Firenze, Via Martorelli. The so-called free zones, often protagonists of the news for episodes of drug dealing, fights and decay. Corso Giulio Cesare, for example, ended up under the spotlights about 10 days ago. when some 100 people tried to prevent the arrest of two robbers. Scenes of urban guerrilla warfare which have aroused sensation and indignation. But yet, after that afternoon of madness, things have not changed. In Barriera di Milano, anarchy still reigns.
"Shutters lowered, businesses closed, workers who, unfortunately, fear for their wages. Many already do not receive them and in some cities, even the takeaway (take out) is prevented, as happened in Turin. It is said that is why gatherings must be prevented. But we have been complaining for some time, the gatherings already occur: Just take a tour in our peripheries to realize it. They happen when the sun comes up. In front of the eyes of everybody. Unpunished," explains Montaruli. In the complaint videos received by the parliamentarian, dozens of migrants are seen crowded (in front of) the exit of the mini-markets, without masks or gloves. The comings and goings are continuous, and there is no sign of the police.
It is an alcoholic camp out that continues along the streets and in the gardens. And even in front of the many shutters lowered by the health emergency. "These people," charges the deputy, "couldn't care less for the suffering and the sacrifices that decent people are making." We cannot accept all of this: From the Ministry of Interior to the mayor, (Chiara) Appendino, the institutions must take measures and control the territory preventing assemblies. Enough with the rule of two weights and two measures."
Caption above video: Turin: Group of foreigners stationed outside minimarket
Fousesquawk comment: For the millionth time since I started this blog (2007), let me repeat that I am not anti-immigrant and that I happen to be married to one. Illegal immigration and false claims of refugee status are another matter-especially as it pertains to the situation in Europe. Italy is flooded with unaccompanied young males from the Middle East and Africa who are not contributing to the country they have chosen to migrate to, nor do they intend to. In Europe, the entire principle of immigration, asylum and refuge has been perverted. By what right do these people arrive in a new country and flaunt its rules during a pandemic. Italy is one of the hardest-hit Corona virus countries in the world, and they cannot cope with both these crises at the same time.
And Italy, like most other Western European countries, will not survive as a society if they continue to turn a blind eye to the outrages being committed by far too many of these so-called "immigrants".
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