
Wednesday, September 4, 2019

CNN's Little Brian Stelter All in a Twitter Over Fox Hiring Sarah Sanders

Image result for brian stelter
Brian Stelter

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If you've never seen CNN's Brian Stelter and his "Reliable Sources" daytime soap opera, you owe yourselves a treat. Just days ago, he had some quack professor as a guest who pronounced that President Trump may kill more millions of people than Stalin, Hitler and Mao!! (No mean feat).  Needless to say, the title of the show is a joke in itself. Conservative YouTube pundit Mark Dice (right), a very funny man, delights in ripping Stelter to shreds going into a high pitched voice to mention his name and even does voice-overs with Stelter's silly on air comments.

But now Little Brian has outdone himself in protesting the hiring of ex-White House press spokeswoman Sarah Sanders as a commentator. You can read all the shameful details in Bizpac Review.

"Wrote this about Spicer and ABC last night, now it applies to Sanders and Fox too: How should ex-White House officials be treated when they spend months misleading the public, then seek positions of fame and privilege?"

Of course, Stelter has forgotten (or never learned) the old adage about people in glass houses. CNN has just recently hired disgraced ex- FBI official, Andrew McCabe, who was fired for "misleading" investigators, but who can now mislead CNN's thousand or so viewers. And it wasn't long ago that CNN was employing creepy porn lawyer (and the Next President of the United States) Michael Avenatti in a similar role.

Reliable  Sources, indeed.

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