
Thursday, January 24, 2019

Venezuela Severs Relations With US

After the US government recognized opposition leader Juan  Guaidóas the interim president of Venezuela, that country's strongman leader, Nicolas Maduro, announced yesterday he was breaking diplomatic relations with the US.

Translation by Fousesquawk. Sub-titling by Gates of Vienna and Vlad Tepes.

There is much cause for concern in Venezuela tonight. There are reports that Guaidó, has taken refuge in the Ecuadorean embassy in Caracas. American diplomats have been given 72 hours to leave the country, and there is obviously concern over the safety of US citizens in Venezuela. There is also a possibility that civil war may break out. Countries like Canada, Chile, Peru and Brazil (which is already dealing with Venezuelan refugees) have also recognized Guaidó

Hopefully, this can be resolved peacefully, but it doesn't look good.

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