![Rahaf Mohammed al-Qunun is welcomed by Canadian Minister for Foreign Affairs Chrystia Freeland (R) as she arrives at Pearson International airport in Toronto [Lars Hagberg/AFP]](https://www.aljazeera.com/mritems/imagecache/mbdxxlarge/mritems/Images/2019/1/12/8b962196d1784290aac3b8e828373313_18.jpg)
-Al Jazeera
Arrival in Canada
Rahaf Mohammed Alqunun, the 18-year-old Saudi girl who renounced Islam and was detained in Bangkok trying to travel to Australia in fleeing the wrath of her family, has arrived in Toronto after Canada granted her asylum. I am posting the report from Al Jazeera which gives the pertinent details while omitting one key detail- that Alqunun had renounced Islam.
The Qatar-based Al Jazeera has no problem criticizing Saudi Arabia. Yet, they leave out what is arguably the most important part-why Alqunun feared for her life. It is because she renounced Islam. That is why she was afraid her family would kill her.
Kudos to the Canadian government for stepping up and granting asylum. It is not often we can praise the government of Justin Trudeau, but in this case, they have done the right thing.
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