
Thursday, November 1, 2018

UCLA Tells SJP to Remove the Bruin From Their Flyers

On November 16-18, the brown shirts of Students for Justice in Palestine will descend on UCLA to hold their national conference. It is an embarrassment for UCLA, but hardly anything new.

The university has shown a degree of backbone in one respect: They have ordered SJP to remove the Bruin logo from their flyers advertising the event.

"I have served on the faculty of UCLA for 49 years and I have never thought I would see the day when the symbol of my university would turn into a Hamas recruitment poster. The NSJP Conference reminds us that hate did not stop at Pittsburgh. U.S. campuses, emboldened by our blindness and inaction are now offering racist groups a fertile ground to spawn their venom, test out intimidating tactics, and gain academic legitimacy. The stench of hatred and sounds of incitement to hostilities that will emerge from the NSJP Conference will damage UCLA’s reputation irreparably."
-Judea Pearl

Here is what UCLA should do: They should ban this conference from their campus, and they should ban SJP as well. If they were to do that, I might cease and desist using the above picture for my articles on UCLA.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

At the very least if the school is not going to ban the conference they should've at least forced SJP to not privatize the event. It is shocking to me that the school is allowing the conference after proof has came out that some of the speakers support terrorist groups and some speakers are openly anti-semitic even though the group claims that they are "anti-zionist" and not anti-semitic. The group also openly supports the intifada (terrorism).

I really hope that the kite in the picture is not in reference to the kite bombs that HAMAS is sending over into Israel from Gaza. Then again the UC system never takes action when it comes to these types of issues so I wouldn't be surprised...