
Tuesday, January 2, 2018

Trump Cuts Off Aid to Pakistan

President Trump has announced that we are cutting off aid to Pakistan. I applaud this move.

I am not clear on exactly what is being cut off. It apparently involves over $250 million being given for military and anti-terror assistance.

Frankly, I would be happy to see us cut off everything with this country until it gets its act together, which will probably be never. They are duplicitous. Nobody can convince me that Usama bin Laden was residing on their soil for years without them knowing.

The  intelligence service (ISI) in Pakistan is filled with terrorist sympathizers. For every good thing they accomplish, they act against our interests somewhere else.

Of course, the insiders in Washington are going to howl that Pakistan is a strategic partner in the war on terror (just like Saudi Arabia) and that  we have to work with them as best we can. Frankly, I am tired of that argument. Pakistan is a problematic nation brimming with Islamic fanatics. Terror organizations like  Jamaat -e- Islami  have ties with Islamic radicals in the US as well as the Islamic Circle of North America (Hat tip Investigative Project on Terror).

Let the Pakis riot, burn American flags, and scream, "Death to America". If they try to assault and burn our embassy as they did in 1979, I hope the Marine Guards defend the embassy as they should. At that point, we can pull our embassy out of that hellhole. Along those lines, it might not be a bad idea to add Pakistan to the list of countries on Trump's travel ban. Don't forget that one of the San Bernardino terrorists was from Pakistan.

The insiders may say this is a strategic mistake, but it's time America stands up to these corrupt, duplicitous countries that have been taking us for a ride way too long. We can spend that money here at home.

1 comment:

Squid said...

Outstanding move by Trump. Trump also cut off aid to Palestinians who do not come to the table to talk peace. No peace talks, no money for terrorist martyrs' families,
