
Saturday, November 11, 2017

The French Are Fed Up With Street Prayers

Hat tip Gates of Vienna, Vlad Tepes and Oz-Rita for translation

The French people are getting fed up with thousands of Muslims taking over public streets on Fridays for their prayers. In the Paris suburb of Clichy la Garenne, things are starting to boil over.

It seems so simple. Streets are for the public transportation, drivers and pedestrians. They are not for public prayers. Prayers should be conducted in churches, synagogues, temples and mosques. Only in the latter (mosques) do worshipers see the need to take over public streets in contravention of the law.

I suspect this is not so much about lack of space in mosques, rather it is a show of taking over. It should be stopped dead in its tracks. Police should order the people to disperse, and if they don't, should start making arrests. They might even find a few people who are in the country illegally.

But this is France. It's their choice whether to maintain their country and their culture or surrender.

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