
Friday, October 13, 2017

Reza Aslan's Latest Buffoonery (Another Book)

Hat tip Campus Watch and Publishers Weekly

"It’s his hope that the new book will “reframe” the way people think and talk about God."

(Delusions of grandeur?)

Reza Aslan is a professor of Creative writing at UC Riverside, which explains I guess his series of "creative" meanderings about God and religion. A Muslim who once left Islam for Christianity then returned to Islam, Aslan may be excused his meanderings. When I first saw him at UCLA several years ago, he was appearing on stage with that fraud who wanted to build a mega mosque next to Ground Zero in New York, Faisal Abdul Rauf. Later, I caught his act solo at UC Riverside when he was talking about Islamophobia, one of his pet peeves. Then he was on CNN until they kicked him off for an obscene rant about President Trump, which seems odd since they go off on rants against the President on a daily basis. Or maybe it really had something to do with his being filmed eating human brains with one of those equal cultures we are supposed to celebrate on college campuses.  In this case, Aslan was breaking bread with cannibals in India.

But let me get to the point. Aslan has just come out with another book, which he thinks will finally put him in the pantheon of great human brains (no pun intended). In this latest  pièce de merde, Aslan continues his quest to find the real meaning of God.

“Pantheism can provide a path forward for spiritual people who are fed up with the way that religion divides us,” said Aslan.

Maybe if so many Muslims would stop trying to kill the rest of us, we wouldn't be so divided.

"In 2005, Aslan explored the rich history of Islam and the reformation he observed within the religion in the bestselling book No god but God: The Origins, Evolution, and Future of Islam (William Heinemann Ltd., 2005)."

Indeed. 1400 years of death, destruction and subjugation. Very rich.

From the above article, I gather than Aslan has been smoking his socks again and putting his reactions down on paper. Why doesn't he just admit that he is an agnostic who has no clue about who God is? One thing is for certain: This guy is no expert. He's just another phony trying to make us think he is.

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